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Begin a Healthy Lifestyle at 80 and Live to 100

By Lynn C. Allison From Newsmax


A new study reveals that making lifestyle changes, even starting at 80 years old, can help you live to 100. A healthy diet and regular exercise are important components of these changes, according to Medical News Today.

The study, published in JAMA Network Open, examined data from individuals who were 80 years and older, including 1,454 centenarians and 3,768 people who died before reaching 100 years of age. They found that seniors with the highest lifestyle score based on smoking habits, exercise and a diverse diet, had a significantly higher likelihood of living to 100 and beyond, compared with those with the least healthy lifestyle behaviors. The authors said that their findings suggest that adhering to a healthy lifestyle could be beneficial even at a very advanced age.

The scientists analyzed data from the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey that targets people aged 80 years and older and was established in 1998. The data was analyzed from December 1, 2022, to April 15, 2024. A total of 5,222 participants were included in the study.

Healthy lifestyle scores were ranked from 0 to 6, with higher scores generally linked to better chances of living to 100. The participants who scored between 5 and 6 lived the longest. In fact, 276 of the 851 individuals who reached this score became centenarians. Those with scores ranging in the 0 to 2 range had the shortest lifespan.

Dr. Scott Kaiser, a geriatric specialist at the Pacific Neuroscience Institute in California, says while it’s still rare for people to live to be 100 years of age, “there’s definitely value in aiming for the 100 year-plus target.” Kaiser points out that making positive changes in our lives will help us live longer and healthier, free of major disease while still thriving.

According to experts there are five keys to a healthy lifestyle:

• Engage in cardiovascular exercise like brisk walking or swimming.

• Strengthen your muscles with resistance or strength training.

• Practice mindfulness exercises such as yoga or tai chi. These practices can help manage stress in seniors.

• Work on your balance to prevent falls.

• Keep moving by participating in activities you enjoy. People who live in the Blue Zones, areas in the world where many men and women live to 100 and beyond, tend to garden and walk more as part of their daily routine. Experts say that for folks over 80, volunteering or spending time with their grandchildren can also give them a similar boost.

In addition, Joy Puleo, an expert in the field of health and wellness, says that nutrition is important.

“Eat food, healthy food, and not too much,” she advises. “Avoid processed foods and sugary foods and eat for your health.”

Puleo adds that sleep is essential for good health and longevity. According to the American College of Cardiology, getting a good night’s sleep can play a role in supporting your heart and overall health, and potentially influence how long you live.

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