Cayman Cabinet post meeting summary 26 September 2023

Her Excellency the Governor Mrs. Jane Owen, chaired the meeting of the Cabinet held on Tuesday, 3rd
October, 2023 in the Cabinet Conference Room, Government Administration Building.
The Hon Premier acted for the Hon Minister for Financial Services, Commerce, Investment, Innovation
and Social Development and Ms Claire Allen acted for the Attorney General. All other Ministers and
Members of Cabinet were present.
At this meeting Cabinet:
• Approved the issuance of drafting instructions for the creation of cat pound and exemption order(s)
per the Animals Act;
• Approved for the Financial Secretary and Chief Officer for the Ministry of Finance and Economic
Development to transfer bona vacantia assets of a defunct Cayman Islands company to the
• Approved and authorised the signing of the Proposed Amendment for the Agreement Establishing
the Caribbean Examination Council 1972;
• Approved in accordance with sections 11(5) and 11(6) of the Public Management and Finance Act
(2020 Revision) to increase EGA 10 – Education, Early Childhood and Support Services by
CI$1,056,000, decrease TP 84 – Scholarship Medical by CI$500,000 and decrease TP 93 – Public
School Grants and COVID-19 Recovery Programme by $556,000;
• Approved the re-appointment and appointment of the following persons to the Education Council:
Shomari Scott, Chair; Herbert Crawford, Member; Bernice Scott, Member; Claudette Lazzari,
Member; Jonathon Tibbetts, Member; Stephen Tatum, Member; Darrel Rankine, Member; Cindy
Scotland, Member; Latoya Francis, Member; Brady-Ann Wilmot, Member; Margaret Allison
Greaves, Member; Gilbert McLean, Member; Chief Officer – Ministry of Education or designate,
Ex-Officio Member; Director, Department of Education Services, Ex-Officio Member; and
LeSanneo McLaughlin, Secretary;
• Approved transfer of Block 14E Parcel 206 from Cayman Islands Airports Authority to the Crown
and recommended the transfer of 1-acre lot by subdividing Crown land Block 66A Parcel 1(Part),
to Cayman Islands Airports Authority;
• Approved the purchase of Block 57E Parcel 224 from EA 146 Land Purchase Conservation;
• Approved the purchase of Block 86A Parcel 77 from EA 146 Land Purchase Conservation;
• Approved the purchase of Block 87A Parcels 35 and 36;
• Approved the purchase of Block 78A Parcel 34 from EA 146 Land Purchase Conservation;
• Approved the purchase of Block 106E Parcel 42 from EA 4 Land Purchases;
• Approved the purchase of Block 106E Parcel 131 from EA 4 Land Purchases;
• Approved the purchase of Block 48B Parcel 3 from EA 146 Land Purchase Conservation;Page 2 of 2
• Approved the renewal of two storage premises leases for the Department of Tourism and Treasury;
• Approved the relocation of Internal Audit Service and Office of Education Standard to new shared
office premises at One Capital Place;
• Approved the purchase of Block 19E Parcel 141 and dedication of a 30 foot vehicular Right of
Way over the property in favour of the general public;
• Approved in accordance with sections 11(5) and 11(6) of the Public Management and Finance Act
(2020 Revision) to increase OE 147 – Strata Fees for Crown-Owned Property by CI$46,400;
• Refused the request for the waiver of outstanding Permanent Residency and Employment Rights
annual fees;
• Approved the Performance Management Programme of the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority;
• Approved the issuance of drafting instruction for the amendment of the Criminal Records (Spent
Convictions) Act (CRSCA) (2018 Revision) and the Criminal Records (Spent Convictions)
(Applications for Expungement) Regulations, 2018;
• Approved the re-appointment of Hector Robinson, KC as Chair of the Law Reform Commission;
• Approved in accordance with the Notaries Public Act (2023 Revision) the following applications
for appointment as Notaries Public – Nora Ebanks, Emma-Jane Fisher, Antonia Harris, Shyvon
Hydes, Kelly Lockwood, Gilbert McLaughlin, Ariana Seales and Sophia Tomlinson;
• Refused an application for permission to enrol in the Professional Practice Course;
• Approved an application for permission to register articles of clerkship; and
• Noted the Financial Report for the period 1st January 2023 – 31st August 2023.
Published by the Cabinet Office on Wednesday, 11th October 2023.
Guidance Notes:
1.Post meeting summaries will be published by the Cabinet Office following confirmation of the
2.Only a summary of the decisions will be published.
3.Cabinet discussions will not be disclosed.
4.Summaries of decisions of a sensitive nature, matters of national security, those where publication
breaches regional or international conventions and those relating to personal privacy will not be
5.Post meeting summaries will be available on and the Cayman Islands Government’s digital channels.