Cayman: Ombudsman staff receives additional investigation training
First-of-its-kind partnership with UK firm
12 April 2023

(standing from left) Deputy Ombudsman (Information Rights) Jan Liebaers, Acting Deputy Ombudsman (Complaints) Haymond Rankin, Investigator (Complaints) Brent Fuller, TCM Group’s Chris Howarth, (sitting from left) Senior Investigator (Complaints) Anita Smith-Welds, Senior Appeals and Policy Analyst Charlene Roberts, Investigator (Complaints) Deri Hill.
The Office of the Ombudsman staff members, including Ombudsman Sharon Roulstone, spent two weeks between late February and early March in a specially designed advanced investigation training course taught by a 30-year veteran UK police detective.
The training course, delivered by TCM Group’s Chris Howarth, focused on interviewing and investigation techniques which the office is now using in its five disciplines including maladministration, police and whistleblowing complaints, as well as in data protection complaints and FOI appeals.
“The Office of the Ombudsman is an alternate system of justice with extensive powers to guard against governmental abuses of power, unfair decisions, data breaches, procedural unfairness and other matters impacting private persons. Our complaint handling contributes to public confidence in that system, so it was important that our staff have the appropriate investigative skillsets to do their jobs to the highest standard. This training helped provide that,” Ms. Roulstone said. “Each of our five service areas have unique legislation and requirements, yet how we approach each enquiry/investigation should not vary in order to ensure fairness in the process.”
The Advanced Investigation Skills Training course certified Ombudsman staff members in the use of the PEACE interview model, which is currently used by most UK and Canadian investigative services, including some Ombuds offices in those jurisdictions.
“Our staff members individually already bring a variety of skillsets to their respective jobs. The certification of our entire team as investigators, however, brings more integrity to the important decisions we make and assures those seeking justice through our office that our processes are fair and to a high standard,” Ms. Roulstone said.

(from left) Data Protection Analyst Jerray Vassell, Investigator (Complaints) Andrea Christian, Senior Data Protection Analyst Trudyann Martinson, Ombudsman Sharon Roulstone, Mr. Howarth, Investigator (Complaints) Alan Slater.
**please note** Analyst (Information Rights) Shamique Frederick attended the training remotely.
Mr. Howarth said TCM had instructed similar courses in many jurisdictions around the world, but the Cayman Islands training was the first time such a course had been put together for the unique regulatory role the Office of the Ombudsman occupies.
“It was a real pleasure to be involved in both the design and delivery of this programme,” Mr. Howarth said. “The training focused on evidence-based practices using ethical, values-based decision-making models. I was impressed with the level of engagement and professionalism of the Investigators within the Ombudsman’s office throughout the course.”
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