says, “It’s all up to you now!”

It’s all up to you now.
Everything about the awesome day of Yom Kippur points to you.
In times of old, one High Priest, serving one G‑d, on behalf of His one people, in His one Temple, on His one holiest day, sought G‑d’s atonement for the entire world.
Today, one person, with one turn of his or her personal page, doing one good deed, or even making one good resolution — can change the course of the entire world for the good!
This means:
YOU hold the key to the world’s future!
Your good deed, your repentance, your cry from the depths of your soul, can penetrate the Gates of Heaven and call forth a loving response from our One and Only Father in Heaven.
Jewish wisdom teaches us that a crucial component of our service to G‑d — even more so nowadays than in times of old! — is to give generously of our earnings to charity, especially during this time of year.
You work hard to earn a living. And you pour your time, your energy — your very soul! — into that work.
When you contribute those very earnings to charity, you are sharing your own toil; you are giving away a part of your very own soul and self, to others!
You are also…
- demonstrating your appreciation that G‑d entrusted you to act on His behalf to distribute His resources; and
- modeling how the Heavenly Court should treat you!
In preparation for Yom Kippur, when we pray that G‑d blesses us with all things good, let us demonstrate our faith and connection by giving freely and generously to charity. G-d is relying on each one of us, individually!
Certainly He will reciprocate in kind.
After all, He entrusted the entire world to each of us.
In this spirit, it would be extremely meaningful to people all over the world if you could take two minutes now to donate generously to‘s vital work:
If you’d like to send a check, the address is:
Chabad.ORG | 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 | Brooklyn, NY 11213
(And please remember in your will.)
Your partnership is vital to ensure our financial stability — and the life-saving services we offer — for the coming year.
It’s really important that we reach our Yom Kippur campaign goal of 13,000 generous giving partners. Thank G-d, 7,892 have partnered so far. Can you please join them?
May you experience Yom Kippur in the deepest, holiest way. May the merit of your unique good deeds shield the entire world. And may you and each of your loved ones, along with the entire world, be sealed in the Book of Life for a good, healthy and sweet year!
On behalf of the team,
Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin
Executive Director
P.S. Yom Kippur contains endless entry points to connect to G‑d. To help enrich your holiest-day experience, I invite you to check out our Yom Kippur website. For prayer services across the globe search this worldwide listing. And enjoy a classic Yom Kippur teaching from the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory here.
Tonight, 6 Tishrei (Sept. 20-21), marks the 59th anniversary of passing of the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana Schneerson, of righteous memory. To learn about this extraordinary woman’s searingly challenging yet deeply impactful life, click here. To light Shabbat candles in her memory this Friday night — and start off the year with a monumental mitzvah, or to do something else special in her memory, check out these resources.
At this time of year, I love reflecting on this foundational teaching from the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, which he taught on his mother’s yahrtzeit.
P.P.S. Even a small amount can change the world! Your gift will join 7,892 others and together your partnership will help make this an unprecedented year of growth for people everywhere! Please join them and donate online here.
If you have already partnered with us in this campaign, we apologize for the repetition. Chances are that we are sending this to a different email address of yours or that your check has not yet been processed. We are most grateful to you for your support and your understanding!
Please note that this request is an appeal to all who are able to help. You are always welcome to enjoy our website and subscriptions, regardless of whether or not you contribute financially. · 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 · Brooklyn, NY 11213