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They’re coming in record numbers

By the Grace of G‑d

22 Elul, 5784
September 25, 2024

Rosh Hashanah (“Head of the New Year”) is just about a week away! (Oct. 2-4)

Very soon, we will hear the heart-stirring blasts of the Shofar on both days of Rosh Hashanah.

The Shofar’s cry…

…proclaims G‑d as King of the world;
…evokes G-d’s giving us the Torah on Mt. Sinai amid the shofar’s blast;
…awakens our slumbering souls from complacency;
…echoes the cries of the prophets, urging us to return to G‑d;
…heralds the “great shofar” sound upon the imminent arrival of Moshiach — to call together the Jewish people scattered across the world.

There is another cry we hear at during this season — a plea from millions seeking timeless inspirationwisdom, and guidance.

Today, I am asking you for help because they’re turning to us with questions like:

  • The world is so scary. How can I be calm while not forgetting about those who are suffering?
  • How can I better connect with our ancient prayers?
  • Is there anything I can do for the hostages? I feel so helpless.
  • Is Rosh Hashanah only for Jews? 
  • Do you have a prayerbook with the special Rosh Hashanah services?
  • My doctor advised me not to fast this Yom Kippur. How can I do the service properly?

As our brothers and sisters in Israel experience tremendous miracles in the face of enemy threats, they, along with people everywhere, are seeking meaning and understanding, comfort, and strength.

Our global community is asking: “What’s an appropriate response to seeing miracles?” “What does it mean to be Jewish today?” and “How can I connect with my people, my Judaism, and with my G-d?”

You can help them. Right now.

Because just as the Shofar lifts up our souls to a new year, we each have the ability to uplift the spirits of so many people worldwide who are searching for connection and belonging.

Please join our High Holidays campaign by giving generously to keep operating at full throttle — with the multi-faceted and multi-lingual staff and technology necessary to be there for all who turn to us, 24 hours a day.

You’ll help people find answers and inspiration. You’ll help them approach the High Holidays joyfully. You may even brighten someone’s whole life!


Please give here:

If you’d like to send a checkplease do so here:
Chabad.ORG | 770 Eastern Parkway Suite 405 | Brooklyn, NY 11213

Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will!

It will only take a minute or two. But the impact you’ll have will be beyond measure.

We cannot do it without you. Our teams cannot keep up with these needs on our own. But together with you, we can.

You can help by giving generously today:

The world needs this critical lifeline. And you can sustain it for them.

The Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, would often expound on how each of our good deeds, and even our thoughts, has the power to tip the balance and transform the entire world. Especially during this time leading up to Rosh Hashanah.

Your kind, caring act can transform the world!

This year, as the holiness of Rosh Hashanah flows directly into the holiness of Shabbat, we are reminded of the unity and strength that comes from learning and community.

This special conjunction signifies a year filled with peace, unity, and renewed strength. Together, we look inside the Torah and to each other for strength and resolve. People seek this more than ever before.

That’s why I’m reaching out to you. I think you understand the critical importance of Please help amplify G‑d’s all-new blessings for this coming year by contributing now.

May the New Year open new channels of blessing for tranquility and spiritual growth for you and yours. May you be granted a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year for you and all of G‑d’s children. May we all speedily merit a world healed and transformed!

And may our brothers and sisters in the Land of Israel be strong, safe and successful, and may they experience G-d’s immense miracles fully and transformatively!

On behalf of the entire Team,

Rabbi Zalman Shmotkin
Executive Director

P.S. Many communities begin reciting the special Selichot prayers for Divine mercy late at night this Saturday night (Sept. 28). Go here to learn a fascinating lesson about these prayers from the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory.

P.P.S Even a small amount—shared with a full heart—can affect global transformation! Your gift will help make this an unprecedented year of growth for people everywhere. Donate online here. (Please also remember Chabad.ORG in your will!)



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