1 Mar Weather in Cayman
Tue Mar 1 2022
Weather in Cayman
Light northerly winds and slight seas will continue across the Cayman area for the next 24 hours as a low pressure system develops just east of Florida, US. Further north, a weak cold front over western Cuba is expected to further weaken and dissipated over the Cayman area tonight, supporting little to no change in our weather conditions. Satellite images show patches of low level clouds moving towards the southwest across the Cayman area. Sea: Slight with a wave height of 1 to 3 feet.
Humidity: 92% (UP from yesterday)
UV: 10.1 VERY HIGH (Same as yesterday) Expected temperatures: 71°F to 86°F. Yesterday: H 87.0°F L 72.3°F
Winds: Today: N 10-15 mph Tonight: N 5-10 mph
Barometer: 1013.60 mb Rising slowly
Rain: Last month: 2.30 in
Last 24 hrs (since yesterday’s reading) 0.00 in
This month: 0.00 in 2 days since rain, 0 rain days in Mar
2021 Season Total: 45.08
2022 Season Total: 4.75 in
Latest rainfall readings are from SOUTH SOUND.
Average rainfall in Mar: 1.3 in.
Average temperature in Mar: 72°F to 86°F
Sea Temperature in Mar: 81°F
MOON: 3% Illumination
Grand Cayman Sun & Tides Tables February 2022
From Tides4fishing
See: http://www.weather.gov.ky/portal/page?_
FORÂ RADARÂ IMAGEÂ GO TO: http://www.weather.gov.ky/portal/page/portal/nwshome/forecasthome/rada
Also see Weather In Cayman: http://www.weatherincayman.com/
Moon info and graphic:Â https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/uk