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13 business leaders complete inaugural Business Coaching Cayman Programme

Chamber Pic1The Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce and Shirlaws Cayman recently celebrated the culmination of their Inaugural Business Coaching Cayman initiative with thirteen members successfully completing the programme. A graduation lunch was held for the participants at the Grand Old House on Friday, March 8, 2013.

Tom McCallum, Business Coach at Shirlaws Cayman welcomed the group and lauded their achievements over the course of this unique six-month programme. Chamber President Chris Duggan delivered remarks on behalf of the Chamber Council. Each graduate received a plaque that recognised the significance of their accomplishment. President Duggan thanked Fidelity (Cayman) Limited for their generous contribution and for their belief in the programme initiative. He also referenced the unique nature of this professional development initiative and noted the participation of small business entrepreneurs inclusive of past Chamber President Morgan DaCosta as well as past and present members of the Chamber Council.

Dale Edwards, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Fidelity (Cayman) Limited, speaking on behalf of the Fidelity team, said he was happy to have supported this unique venture. He challenged the group to ensure that the “key learnings” be shared with respective individuals at their places of work so that this programme will indirectly touch others in their immediate environment and the business community in general.

Chamber Pic 2“Fidelity has long had a passion for serving the community, with special emphasis on education. It was only appropriate, then, for us to become a sponsor of this business coaching for business leaders initiative, a partnership between the Chamber of Commerce and Shirlaws Cayman, which aims to provide an opportunity to benefit from gaining a deeper insight into issues that deal directly with your business cycles.” commented Dale Edwards, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Fidelity (Cayman) Ltd.

Mr. Edwards further added “As business owners and leaders, you have demonstrated your commitment to continuous education and are an example of what we should all be aspiring to in Cayman. Hard work is one of the primary reasons that has guided you to be the business owners you are today. Never stop developing yourself, never stop thinking of new ideas, never stop going the extra mile. Also, I encourage you to continue to be selfless in giving back. Continue to be the Business leaders who ‘Pay it Forward’ and support what you are passionate about. Remain a force of good in your community. Continue to support those activities which build a stronger business community – we all benefit because of it.”

Graduates of the inaugural programme all had positive testimonials to share.

“The Business Coaching Cayman programme with Shirlaws has been an invaluable learning experience and is recommended strongly for anyone. The skills and focus for each participant in the class and private consultation meetings helped to guide us on a clearer path with our businesses. Thank you to the Chamber for uniting forces with Shirlaws and its amazing team to bring this progamme to fruition” commented Business Coaching Participant Jocelyn DaCosta, Human Resources Manager and Assistant Marketing Manager, Maedac Supply Co. Ltd.

Similar sentiments were expressed by Martha Godet, Manager, Operations, Fidelity (Cayman) Ltd. “From the sessions and the one on one meetings, I now have a better understanding on how to approach a situation(s) by using the method of: Why, What and How. This strategy is very practical and approachable to work with. I would like to thank you for your quality time rendered to me and grateful for the ideas and advice during our sessions”

“The Shirlaws methodology is a roadmap to create a profitable and sustainable business,” adds Chamber CEO, Wil Pineau, CCE, who was off island and unable to attend the graduation ceremony. “A series of unique business frameworks, techniques and methodologies build into a whole new language for running a business. I learned so much and plan to implement the strategies to improve the Chamber’s performance.”

The thirteen graduates of this inaugural programme are Ian Barnard – Barnards Ltd.; Wil Pineau, CCE – Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce; Alan Silverman – Dine by Design Ltd.; Laura Silverman – Dine by Design Ltd.; Martha Godet – Fidelity; Jancy Madison – Fidelity; Laura Ribbins – Fitness Connection; Woody Foster – Foster’s Food Fair; Lori McRae – Frederick & McRae Ltd.; Jocelyn DaCosta – Maedac Group; Morgan DaCosta – Maedac Group; Melissa Wolfe – Melissa Wolfe Photography; and Natalie Urquhart – National Gallery of the Cayman Islands.

About the Programme: A partnership between the Chamber of Commerce and Shirlaws Cayman, Business Coaching Cayman is a six-month programme specifically designed to give participants the access they need to vital tools, techniques and skills that will help them not just survive in today’s globally competitive environment but thrive, enhancing and growing their business. The programme looks at the very core of each business, assisting participants in planning for and achieving their company’s strategy and vision. The professional coaching team facilitates monthly 90-minute group sessions and also gave participants the opportunity to enjoy one-on-one confidential coaching sessions.

About the Chamber: The Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce was established in 1965 and is a non-profit organisation that exists to support, promote and protect member businesses and the wider community. The Chamber represents over 700 businesses and associations from every major industry sector across the Islands.

Persons interested in signing up for the second Business Coaching Cayman sessions to start in the third quarter of 2013, are encouraged to advise Tiffany Dixon-Ebanks, Programmes Manager at the Chamber of Commerce by emailing [email protected]

Pic 1 Dale Edwards, Vice President & Chief Operating Officer, Fidelity (Cayman) Ltd. ; Kristen Ford, Business Coach, Shirlaws Cayman; Tom McCallum, Business Coach, Shirlaws Cayman; Chris Duggan, President, Cayman Islands Chamber of Commerce

Pic 2 Business Coaching Class

Business Coaching Group celebrated the completion of the inaugural pilot programme at a graduation lunch at Grand Old House in early March. Missing from the photo: Wil Pineau, CCE, Natalie Urquhart and Woody Foster.




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