16 May Weather in Cayman
Sun May 16 2021

Weather in Cayman

Light to moderate winds and slight seas is expected to continue across the Cayman area for the next 24 hours as the high pressure system over central Atlantic Ocean drifts further east.
Humidity: 79% (UP from yesterday)
UV: 11.0 EXTREME (Same as yesterday) Expected temperatures – 78°F to 91°F. Yesterday: H 90.5°F L 79.5°F
Winds: Today: ENE 10-15 mph. Tonight: ENE 5-10 mph
Barometer: 1011.20 mb Steady
Rain: Last month: 0.97 in
Last 24 hrs (since yesterday’s reading) 0.00 in
This month: 0.22 in 7 days since rain, 2 rain days in May
2020 Season Total: 80.64 in
2021 Season Total: 4.40in
Latest rainfall readings are from SOUTH SOUND.
Average rainfall in May: 5.2 in.
Average temperature in May: 75°F to 88°F
Sea Temperature in May: 82°FÂ
MOON 18% IlluminationÂ

Grand Cayman Tides & Sunsets MAY 2021


See:Â http://www.weather.gov.ky/portal/page?_
FORÂ RADARÂ IMAGEÂ GO TO: http://www.weather.gov.ky/portal/page/portal/nwshome/forecasthome/rada
Also see Weather In Cayman: http://www.weatherincayman.com/
Moon info and graphic:Â https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/uk