A slack pressure gradient across the northwest Caribbean and an area of low pressure north of Cuba will continue to support light winds and seas across the Cayman area over the next 24 hours. Radar images show isolated showers in and around the Cayman area moving east to southeast
Sunshine just makes the day a little better, but it can also cause sunburns. Check the UV Report below to be prepared
Humidity: 84% (DOWN from yesterday)
UV: 10.9 Very High (DOWN from yesterday)
Temperature: Today’s current temperature – See Weather Forecast Top Right of Website. Yesterday: H 83.0°F L 77.0°F
Wind direction TODAY: SW: 10-20 mph
Wind direction TONIGHT: SSW 10-15 mph
Barometer: 1016:00 mb Steady Rain: Last month: 1.42 in Last 24 hrs 0.00 in This month: 3.10 in
6 Rain days in March 5 Rain days in April 2 days since rain
2016 Season Total: 20.23 in 2017 Season Total: 6.27 in
*NOTE: Official Government record of rainfall on Grand Cayman (Owen Roberts International Airport) 2016: 27.98 inches or 28.22 inches below the 30 year average rainfall of 56.20 inches.
Average rainfall in April 1.3 in. Average temperature in April: 73°F to 88°F
Sea Temperature in April 81°F
Moon: 6% illuminated