
iLocal News Archives

Day: November 17, 2011

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion

Pirates Week

It was a beautiful day for Saturday’s (12) Landing and Float Parade. The sea had calmed down just in time for the two galleons full of marauding pirates to make their annual invasion and capture the Governor complete with loud…

ISports Sports World

NHL GMs discuss goaltender safety

TORONTO (AP) — The next player to hammer a goaltender outside the crease isn’t likely to get off as easily as Milan Lucic. A discussion among the league’s 30 general managers Tuesday produced a strong consensus that goalies need to…

Lighthouse kids make a brighter day

“We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving,” sang a group of students from the Lighthouse School. It was a great way to get the George Town…

iHealth iLifestyle

Part 2: C(chronic) O (obstructive) P(pulmonary) D(disease

Continued from issue #133. 5-7 November, Page 15 RISK FACTORS Smoking is the main risk factor. It’s responsible for almost all the cases of COPD. Other risk factors for COPD are: Exposure to certain gases or fumes in the workplace…

iLocal News News

Doppler Moves Ahead

(GIS) — With two contracts now awarded to European companies and a construction tender going out locally, the Cayman Islands’ Doppler weather radar station will truly be an international effort, reflecting the project’s global significance. The contract to manufacture, supply…

iCulture iLifestyle


Things have really changed a lot in George Town. Just see for yourself have a good look around. Homes and gardens that were full of children playing Have all been torn down for commercial buildings, And I’m very saddened because…

iEntertainment iListen iWatch

Duppies demonise The Playhouse

It was a fun evening last Tuesday (15) at the Prospect Playhouse when the premier of the Indie film “Duppies” was shown. Phil Eckstein, an award winning screenplay writer, was on hand to greet the fifty plus enthusiastic audience members…

iBooks iEntertainment

Anne – Part 76

We continue our serialisation of Anne by Constance Fenimore Woolson “What are to be my duties?” asked Anne.  “Whatever I require,” answered the old woman, grimly. When the song was ended, there was much applause of the subdued drawing-room kind—applause,…