
iLocal News Archives

Month: November 2011

Cayman’s new green team

The Corporate Green Team Network was set up in June 2009 after representatives from the Sustainable Development Unit of the  Department of Environment (DoE) met with accountancy firm, Deloitte, to discuss ways of making Cayman a greener place to life….

iWorld News News

Billy Crystal returning to host the Oscars

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Billy Crystal is doing it again. The 63-year-old comedian and veteran Oscar host said Thursday on Twitter that he is hosting this season’s Academy Awards “so the young woman in the pharmacy will stop asking my…

Editors Choice iBusiness News

Maples and Calder top legal list

On 4 November 2011, independent legal directory “Legal 500” revealed the Cayman Islands law firm rankings in its 2011 edition. Described as “the best law firm in the Cayman Islands”, Maples and Calder was the only firm to consistently retain…

Editorial Editors Choice iOpinion

Rollover but don’t die

I have written a number of articles on the rollover issue and my opposition to it. I am a paper Caymanian so the Independent Member for North Side, Ezzard Miller, may not be interested in them. My views are totally…

iLocal News News

Miss Festival Queen kicks off Pirates Week

The Cayman Islands Miss Festival Queen competition got the Pirates Week festivities off to a colourful and glamourous start. That was followed by the Steel Pan competition, divided into Junior and Senior steel bands. The Juniors represented schools St Ignatius…


iCommunity News

ALZHEIMERS SUPPORT GROUP: Is being launched, Anyone who is a caregiver, spouse, child or friend of a loved one who is suffering from this debilitating disease and is interested in being a part of this new community initiative, please contact…