
iLocal News Archives

Month: May 2012

iBusiness iLocal News News

Success is Sweet for Immigration Graduates

12 new Immigration recruits proved that success was their top priority after recently completing an intensive six-month training programme. Qualifying as full-fledged Immigration Officers, Marquis Anglin, Samantha Brown, Erina Forbes, Arthur Isaacs, Eric Jackson, Kimberly Pitta, Shannette Rankin, Jane Salmon,…

iBusiness iWorld News News

Dimon survives votes on pay, chairmanship

(AP) — The CEO of JPMorgan Chase survived a shareholder push Tuesday to strip him of the title of chairman of the board, five days after he disclosed a $2 billion trading loss by the bank. CEO Jamie Dimon also…

ISports Sports World

Spanish Grand Prix fire after race finished

Four team members were initially sent to hospital for treatment after the fire but three have been released. The remaining team member in hospital will be flown back to the UK by Wednesday to continue his treatment. A statement said…

iBusiness iLocal News News

Nassau Government offers $9M ‘funding’ to Cayman Islands provider WSC

The government has provided the Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) with “additional funding” of $9 million in an effort to keep its receivables below 90 days. The disclosure by Glen Laville, the general manager of WSC, comes shortly after Consolidated…

iOpinion Your View

A dead horse is the one we bear today

A friend sent this to me and although funny it unfortunately is the reality of what is happening in the Western World today. This is the civilised society we live in today and take for granted. We also pay dearly…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

“I don’t think there’s a whole lot of Bank of America operations in the Cayman Islands”

From and Cross-posted from the “Arguing the World” blog at Dissent magazine and written by Mark Engler, Senior Analyst, Foreign Policy in Focus This spring is a season of confrontation at the shareholders’ meetings of U.S. banks and other…

iFood iHealth iLifestyle

Mad Fish Disease?

The new case of mad cow disease in California is bringing to light some unsavory feeding practices that the meat industry doesn’t want us to find out about. Most cows don’t just eat grass anymore; they’re fed slaughterhouse waste, blood,…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Chairman of Cayman Islands Stock Exchange sets the record straight

Anthony Travers, Chairman of the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange wrote a letter to The New York Times who published it under the title: “Tax Evasion vs. Avoidance, as Seen From the Caymans” To the Editor: New York Times The Opinion…

iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor

From Anonymous I just took a look at the documents released by CNS. Mr. Brian White (Ed: actually Wight) a disgruntled realtor seemingly, says he was paid $10,000 only as a mediator. I’m sure wanting a bigger piece of the…

ISports Sports World

Wrong Plane in Spain

Confused Spanish football fans who thought they were heading to Bucharest in Romania for the Europa League final (Wednesday) arrived hundreds of miles away in Budapest, Hungary. Match officials say more than 400 Athletic Bilbao supporters found themselves in the…