
iLocal News Archives

Day: July 17, 2012

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

Digicel Launches “My Cayman Plan” to Any Cayman or Digicel Regional. Only 20c per minute at ANY TIME

On Friday 13th July, 2012 in George Town, Cayman, Digicel took Cayman by storm when they unveiled their latest and certainly most exciting promotion for prepaid customers, the My Cayman Plan.  With this plan, customers can benefit from calling at…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

HSBC reported for routing shadowy funds from Cayman Islands

The web is buzzing with reports that HSBC Holdings Plc, through a “pervasively polluted culture”, allowed the bank to act as financier to clients seeking to route shadowy funds from the world’s most dangerous and secretive corners, including Mexico, Iran,…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iCrime iLocal News News

CNB Robbers also robbed WestStar

All three men who appeared in court on Tuesday (17) also previously appeared in court accused of robbing Cayman National Bank branch in Buckingham Square on 28th June. Andrew Nicholas Burton, 27, of West Bay, George Eric Mignott, 23 from…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

Mourant Ozannes Cayman appoints Tracey Forbes as Articled Clerk

Leading offshore firm, Mourant Ozannes, has appointed Tracey Forbes as an Articled Clerk. Tracey is a graduate of the University of Liverpool where she gained her Bachelor of Law with Honours in 2010 before completing her Legal Practice Course at…

Employees at Department of Vehicle Services Get Certified

Fleet Manager, Mr Ernest Ebanks has completed the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certification course as a Master Medium/Heavy Duty Diesel Technician. Meanwhile Mrs Mercedes Ebanks has completed the Certificate in Human Resources from the University of Portsmouth and Chartered Institute…

Are you a Reader? Take the Summer Reading Challenge!

The Cayman Islands Library Service’s Summer Reading Challenge for all children ages 6-17 starts 16 July, but those interested should register this week (9-14 July). Children will be separated into age groups. Each group will have a different challenge and…

Vote YES for OMOV

We have been saying it all along but VOTE YES in the One Man, One Vote (OMOV) Referendum. Let’s move on with the rest of the world and not behind as the island where time stood still. Do you want…

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Letter to the Editor

From Florence Nozza First Letter SHOCKING DETAILS ABOUT THE OMOV, ONE MAN ONE VOTE The proposed Cayman Islands One Man One Vote System is controversial and has far too many holes and no stoppers. OMOV  will only establish electoral boundaries,…


Early Closure of GT Landfill on Referendum Day

The Department of Environmental Health (DEH) is advising the public that the George Town Landfill will be closed at 2:00 pm on Wednesday July 18, 2012 to facilitate staff voting on Referendum Day. Businesses that need to dispose of large…

iLocal News News

Missing dog found but sadly put to death

The missing dog, Regalo, was found but sadly had been mauled by a pit-bull. Regalo’s injuries were numerous and would not have had a quality of life and had to be put down humanely by a vet.