Green Valentine’s Day Gifts: Sustainable Jewelry
Greennii I’ve been asked a couple of times this season about sustainable jewelry; how to buy it, where to buy it; how to know what you’re buying. As a jewelry designer and metalsmith, (my moonlighting gigs are many and random)…
6 Steps to a Very Un-Hallmark Valentine’s Day
by Joel Boyce Care2 Some of the best things in life are free. Others are reasonably priced, while still others can be bartered. If you don’t want to be a cog in the same giant commercial machine that employs exploited…
Cayman Islands World Down Syndrome Day Celebrations – Cayman Islands
Thursday, March 21, 2013 – 06:00 to 08:30 The main objectives of the first Cayman Islands World Down Syndrome Day (CIWDSD) event are to raise awareness about Down syndrome, highlight the varied personalities and capabilities of people with Down syndrome locally and…
Cayman Turtle Farm refutes Tanya Streeter’s claims against it
Following her public support for the World Society for the Protection of Animal’s (WSPA) campaign against the Cayman Turtle Farm, the Farm wishes to clarify several aspects in regard to statements made by free diver and WSPA celebrity spokesperson Tanya…
Careers, Education and Jobs Expo at UCCI
Hundreds of prospective workers visited with employers during the Careers, Education and Jobs Expo at the University College of the Cayman Islands on Friday 8th February 2013. The event brought together diverse industry sectors, associations, government agencies and private companies,…
Humane Society gets kick start on “Building Fund” from PwC staff
The Humane Society is working toward raising funds for the maintenance of their facility that house the numerous animals around the Cayman Islands that do not have a place to call home. The shelter is an older building that requires…