
iLocal News Archives

Month: February 2013

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Coursera Online Courses Officially Approved By American Council On Education

Written by Theo Chambers Coursera announced a massive milestone today: the first big step towards credit options. The American Council on Education‘s College Credit Recommendation Service (ACE CREDIT) has made credit recommendations for an initial five Coursera courses. In other…

iLocal News iWorld News News

Catholic bishops say “no” to Obama’s contraception rule change

Hhs Proposal Falls Short In Meeting Church Concerns; Bishops Look Forward To Addressing Issues With Administration Bishops look forward to finding acceptable solutions to shortcomings
. Concerned that first-rate charities still given second-class status
Seek clarification on confusing finance plan WASHINGTON—The Feb….

iLocal News iWorld News News

UK Investors hit by £16bn in hidden fees each year

From Regulation Feb 6 2013 BY: Esther Armstrong , News editor , Portfolio Adviser UK investors face over £16bn in hidden fees and charges per year, according to latest research from SCM Private for its True and Fair Campaign launched…

iLocal News iWorld News News

White House Drone Plan Reveals Obama’s ‘Hypocrisy’

By Jim Meyers, Newsmax As a senator, Barack Obama decried George W. Bush’s use of presidential war powers to prosecute the war on terror. As president, Obama has embraced those powers and promoted the preemptive use of drones to target…

iLocal News iWorld News News

James Rickards: Global Monetary System Headed for Collapse

By Dan Weil MoneyNews The world currency system is riding down the road to catastrophe, says James Rickards, senior managing director of Tangent Capital Partners. The world already has entered a currency war that began in 2010 on the heels…

iCulture iLifestyle iLocal News iWorld News News

5 Love Lessons I’ve learned from Valentine’s Day

Judi Gerber Care2 As I have written here several times, I turned 50 last May and have been reflecting and writing about the lessons I have learned in the past 50 years. These include those I have learned from nature,…

iLocal News iWorld News News

U.S. government report says America’s Cuba democracy programs have improved

Written by Juan O. Tamayo  Miami Herald An exhaustive review of Washington’s controversial Cuba democracy programs gave the U.S. Agency for International Development a passing grade but noted that the State Department must improve its links to the groups that…

iBusiness iLifestyle iLocal News iTravel iWorld News News

Limited amenities for stranded Carnival passengers

Passengers and crew members on a cruise ship stranded in the Gulf of Mexico have limited access to food and bathrooms after a engine fire. The Carnival Triumph, adrift 150 miles (240km) off the Yucatan Peninsula, is waiting to be…

iCommunity iLocal News News

Streetskill launches Distracted and Drunk Driving Campaign

Drivers who are drunk or need to use their phones should stay off the roads. This is the message of a new public education campaign by the Streetskill team that launches tomorrow (12 February, 2013). In February the campaign will…

iCommunity iLocal News iOpinion Your View

Letter to the Editor from Marco Archer

A strategy for jobs For the past four decades Cayman has focused on economic growth and relied on foreign labour to complement the Caymanian labour force whilst assuming that improved living conditions and greater social development and integration would follow…