
iLocal News Archives

Day: May 26, 2013

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3 Reasons to buy the Renminbi against the dollar

By Ben Kramer-Miller* From Seeking Alpha Over the past decade, the Chinese renminbi has been one of the world’s best performing currencies. While the People’s Bank of China has generally controlled the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the…

iEntertainment iLocal News iWorld News News

‘Fast & Furious 6’ Movie Review

‘Fast & Furious 6’ Movie Review: Latest Vin Diesel Flick is Action Packed and Surprisingly Hilarious (Spoilers) From Latinos Post After the impressive Rio heist allowed Dom (Vin Diesel) and his group to retire, he heads of to the Cayman…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

OffshoreAlert announces release of video recordings of Miami Conference

From David Marchant, Publisher, OffshoreAlert More than 200 financial elite from 20 countries gathered in Miami Beach earlier this month at The OffshoreAlert Conference to discuss everything that’s important in the world of offshore finance. We are pleased to announce…

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BT Coalition: Voters say ‘no’ to Dart’s dump deal, corruption; ‘yes’ to change

The leaders of the Coalition to Keep BT Dump Free congratulated the election winners and ”put them on notice”.  “The PPM said they were opposed to putting a dump in Bodden Town (BT), and each one of the four elected…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

Letter to the Editor from Kearney S. Gomez, Supervisor of Elections

ALL MEDIA Greetings: As Supervisor of Elections I would like on behalf of all my elections officers and myself to extend to you and your colleagues a most sincere thank you for all you have done in promoting the 2013…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News News

The Cayman Islands Real Estate Brokers Association (CIREBA) elects a new board of directors.

CIREBA, The Cayman Islands Real Estate Brokers Association, recently held their Annual General Meeting.  Returning as president for 2013 is Mrs. Jeanette Totten, Co-owner and Broker of Cayman Luxury Property Group. Michael Day, from Regal Realty, also returns as Vice…

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Webb’s first year in review at the helm of CONCACAF

LONDON (Thursday, May 23, 2013) – One year ago, his passion for football led Jeffrey Webb to commit to the CONCACAF Presidency despite its multiple challenges. Today, that passion continues to take him through a year-long journey of advancing his…

3D-Printed Splint Helps Baby Breathe Again

From Mashable When a baby was afflicted with a condition that blocked his ability to breathe, professors at the University of Michigan developed a 3D-printed splint that saved the child’s life. Baby Kaiba Gionfriddo was only six weeks old when…

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Election observers say Cayman’s election system does not meet international standards

Although the Cayman Islands received a 9 out of 10 mark and that our elections were “free, fair, genuine and transparent”, the Overseas Mission Observers said our multi-member system did not meet international standards and recommended the Cayman Islands move…