
iLocal News Archives

Day: April 9, 2014

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Study tests theory that life originated at deep sea vents

From One of the greatest mysteries facing humans is how life originated on Earth. Scientists have determined approximately when life began (roughly 3.8 billion years ago), but there is still intense debate about exactly how life began. One possibility…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

GAIM Ops Cayman: Hedge funds increasingly launching hybrid PE vehicles

From COOConnect A growing number of hedge fund managers are launching hybrid vehicles more akin to private equity, according to panellists speaking at GAIM Ops Cayman. “Hedge fund managers are doing a lot of different things and one trend I…

Caribbean News iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Two ships return to Esquimalt from Caribbean mission

By Sarah Petrescu / Times Colonist Two Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt defence-class ships returned home Monday after an eight-week deployment in the Caribbean where one of the ships helped disrupt a shipment of 550 kilograms of cocaine. “Our main activity…

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ICTA calls for inputs on the future of local television broadcasting

Cayman Islands Information Communication and Technology Authority (ICTA), the body responsible for regulating TV broadcasting, is seeking public input on redefining the future of local television. Only 4 weeks has been allowed for the public’s input with thoughts, comments, ideas,…

Caribbean News iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Murders up 36 percent in Bahamas

By Royston Jones Jr. Nassau Guardian Staff Reporter From Caribbean News Now NASSAU, Bahamas — Murders in The Bahamas increased by 36 percent between January 1 and April 5, 2014, compared to the same period in 2013. There were 22…

Caribbean News iJamaica iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Caribbean Consultation on Justice for All and Human Rights Agenda to take place in Jamaica

From Bahama Islands Info CARICOM Secretariat, Turkeyen, Greater Georgetown, Guyana — The Caribbean Consultation on Justice for All and Human Rights Agenda takes place on 9-11 April 2014, at The Jamaica Pegasus, Kingston, Jamaica. The three-day dialogue advances the Caribbean…

iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

10 Famous missing airplanes

By Angela Tempest from CMV live PHOTO: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 1. Amelia Earhart Everyone has heard of Amelia Earhart and her disappearance in 1937 right? In case you haven’t, here’s the tale. She was the first female aviator to…

Editors Choice iCrime iLocal News iWorld News News Uncategorized

Decision delayed on jury trial for corruption accused

From T&C Weekly News A decision on whether the ten defendants fingered in widespread corruption under ex-Premier Michael Misick’s administration will face a bench or a jury trial has been delayed until May 27. Jamaican jurist, Justice Paul Harrison, who…

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10 Uninhabited islands

10 Uninhabited islands and why nobody lives on them By Miss Cellania From Mental Floss The internet has embraced the story of Brendon Grimshaw over the past couple of weeks. Grimshaw did what so many dream of doing: he bought…

Caribbean News iBusiness iJamaica iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

More than 600 foreign buyers at Expo Jamaica 2014

From Jamaica Observer KINGSTON, Jamaica – A record number of over 600 buyers from 28 countries are participating in Expo Jamaica 2014, the Caribbean’s largest trade show, which got under way on April 3, at the National Arena in Kingston….