
iLocal News Archives

Day: April 29, 2014

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Cartoon of the Day

By Tony Zuvela, Cartoonist “It’s my own little World which I can escape to everyday and create a fun, weird, berserk Cartoon to whatever subject I like. I enjoy doing all the work myself, and all the aspects of Cartooning,…

Caribbean News iCrime iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Bloody streets!! – 6 murders in 4 days

From the Belize Times Belize City – On the same week Belize was named the 3rd most dangerous country in the world by the United Nations this week, criminal violence has escalated with six cold murders in just four days…

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Founding Chief Executive Officer of Zulnet Nurulzulkarnain Ahmad starts Indiegogo Campaign to raise a listed Philanthropic Algorithmic Currency Hedge Fund.

Philanthropic Algorithmic Currency Hedge Fund Listed on Cayman Island Stock Exchange. 10% of all contributions towards this campaign will be donated to charities. Portsmouth, UK — (SBWIRE) — 04/25/2014 — Zulnet is an algorithmic currency trading and hedge fund management…

Caribbean News iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

‘Occupy’ campuses over shameful statistics, academics say

By Natricia Duncan From The Voice Out of more than 18,000 professors, less than one per cent comes from African or Caribbean background The only way to address the “frustrating” under-representation of African Caribbean academics is through forceful activism, according…

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LDK Solar Subsidiary signs Wafer Supply Agreement with Gintech Energy Corporation

GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands, XINYU CITY, China and SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 29, 2014 GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands, XINYU CITY, China and SUNNYVALE, Calif., April 29, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — LDK Solar Co., Ltd. in provisional liquidation (“LDK Solar” or the “Company”)…

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Cyprus’s frozen-in-time contested zone

10 [of 19] haunting photos of Cyprus’s frozen-in-time contested zone By Jeremy Bender From Business Insider On July 20, 1974, Turkish soldiers invaded the island of Cyprus. The invasion, which the Turks claimed was aimed at protecting Turkish Cypriots from…

iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Campaigners welcome first Muslim Secretary of State

By Bart Chan From the Voice Sajid Javid was promoted to replace Maria Miller as govt’s head of culture, media and sport NEW JOB: Sajid Javid makes his way to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (PA) Britain has…

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BBC’s black staff being ‘unfairly’ targeted in cuts

From The Voice “There are some floors where only one person, other than the cleaner, is black” Black journalists at the BBC claim they are being unfairly targeted in cuts and are standing behind an Operation Black Vote (OBV) petition…

Caribbean News iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Grenada prime minister wants IMF agreement by May

From Caribbean360 ST. GEORGE’S, Grenada, CMC – Prime Minister Dr. Keith Mitchell says the international Monetary Fund (IMF) is likely to meet and approve the island’s “Home Grown Structural Adjustment Programme” next month. Mitchell, who has returned here from Washington,…

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State of the art microchip technology can save American merchants and consumers over $190 billion per year

Eliminating credit card, SIM card counterfeiting and fraud, with new self-authenticating microchips and cards ALEXANDRIA, Va. and GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands, April 24, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — DE SONNEVILLE INTERNATIONAL LTD. (“De Sonneville”, or the “Company”), announced today it has filed…