
iLocal News Archives

Day: May 8, 2014

Editors Choice iLocal News iWorld News News Weather

Record number of big earthquakes last month

From Caribbean360 BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, – Amid warnings from scientists that the Caribbean is due for another major earthquake, it’s now official: worldwide, April 2014 chalked up a record number of quakes with magnitudes of 6.5 or higher. Earthquakes occur daily,…

iLocal News iWorld News News top news

The 16 Countries With The Biggest Risk Of Violence And Unrest

By Jeremy Bender From Business Insider Leading global risk analytics firm Maplecroft have put out a midyear update of the countries facing the worst risk of conflict and political violence. All together, 48 countries around the world have seen these…

front pg story iCommunity iHealth iLocal News iWorld News News

Cayman Islands give health advisory for World Cup travellers

From Cayman Islands Public Health Department The Public Health Department has issued a health advisory to Cayman Islands residents who will be attending the World Cup in Brazil from June 12 through July 13 2014. “The Pan American Health Organization…

iFood iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Fortune Cookie: An Italian banker’s tribute to a pioneer

By Sourish Bhattacharyya From Daily Mail UK This is a story in many parts, which starts in the Cayman Islands, where an Italian banker meets an Indian from Calgary, Canada, also working in a financial institution, and the two fall in…

Editors Choice iLocal News iWorld News News

Bomb exploded in suspects face, he “forgot about daylight savings”

By Sean Dunne From Irish Central Police officials in Ireland believe that a gangland bomber blew himself up after he forgot about the clocks changing for summer time while he was planting a device underneath a car in Ireland last…

iCommunity iEntertainment iLocal News iWorld News News top news

Cartoon of the Day

By Tony Zuvela, Cartoonist “It’s my own little World which I can escape to everyday and create a fun, weird, berserk Cartoon to whatever subject I like. I enjoy doing all the work myself, and all the aspects of Cartooning,…

iFinance iLocal News iTravel iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Mexico to invest $A15B in tourism

From Perth Now MEXICO plans to invest 180 billion pesos ($A14.84 billion) in tourism infrastructure to turn the country into a global power in the industry, President Enrique Pe’a Nieto says. “Mexico has everything necessary to become a tourism power…

iHealth iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Unnecessary tests and treatments waste $210 billion a year — here’s why doctors do them anyway

By Lauren F Friedman From Business Insider In a major report last year, the Institute of Medicine concluded that the number one source of wasteful spending in health care is overtreatment. Overtreatment is when providers order too many tests, do too…

iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News Weather

US report: Global warming impact is here, PR ‘exceptionally vulnerable’

By Caribbean Business Online Staff and wire services Puerto Rico is “exceptionally vulnerable” to a range of impacts including sea level rise, more powerful hurricanes and decreased water availability, according to a new federal scientific report that emphasizes how global…

Caribbean News iLocal News iOpinion iWorld News News Publisher's Choice Your View

OPINION: Small states in danger of losing a strong advocate

By Sir Ronald Sanders From Caribbean360 BRIDGETOWN, Barbados, Thursday May 8, 2014 – The 53-nation Commonwealth association is an important instrument for the promotion of the interests of small states including those in the Caribbean. But, it is facing troubling…