
iLocal News Archives

Day: July 25, 2014

Caribbean News iLocal News iWorld News News

Venezuelan Consul kidnapped on Caribbean island belonging to Netherlands

FAMAGUSTA GAZETTE • Friday, 25 July, 2014 Venezuelan Consul Hugo Carvajal has been kidnapped on the Caribbean island of Aruba, an autonomous territory of the Netherlands, Venezuela’s President Nicholas Maduro said Friday. He also said the Venezuelan authorities were doing…

Caribbean News iAdopt iLocal News iNotices News

Super cute special needs kitten in need of our help

From CARE – Cayman Animal Rescue Enthusiasts We are delighted to announce that Sweetie and Sweetie Pie found themselves a wonderful forever home together. This Feline Friday we have a special appeal for a very special kitten who needs our…

iCommunity iLocal News iNotices

LATEST: Grand Court Juror Report Date Changed FOR THIRD TIME!

The Grand Court jury report date has been changed. Grand Court Jurors who are in the 2 July – 30 September 2014 session are now to report on Monday, 4 August 2014 at 9:45 a.m. Please call the Jury Information…