
iLocal News Archives

Day: July 30, 2014

iCommunity iHealth iKids iLocal News iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Explainer: why does the teenage brain need more sleep?

By Michelle A Miller – Associate Professor (Reader) in Biochemical Medicine at University of Warwick, and Francesco Cappuccio – Cephalon Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine & Epidemiology at University of Warwick From The Conversation Throughout our lives we experience changes in…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iFood iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Aquaculture as Gateway to “Blue Economy” for CRFM States

BELIZE CITY, Wednesday, July 30, 2014 (CRFM Secretariat)—Globally, aquaculture is a multi-billion-dollar industry, but the Caribbean has yet to tap into its true potential to expand marine and fresh water aquaculture. The good news is that a recently concluded study…

Caribbean News iHealth iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Sexual activity improved for most seniors after Total Hip Arthroplasty as shown in new clinical research

Miami, July 29th, 2014 – In the world of medicine, when real communication exists between patients and doctors, the good can be transformed into the excellent. This happened when specialists (implementing their expertise with passion) were able to talk about…

Editors Choice iBusiness iCrime iLocal News ISports iWorld News News Sports World

Donald Sterling loses preliminary ruling; Clippers sale on?

By Josh Peter, USA TODAY Sports LOS ANGELES — Shelly Sterling – and the Los Angeles Clippers – scored a clean sweep over Donald Sterling on Monday when a California judge issued a preliminary ruling that paves the way for…

iCommunity iLocal News News top news

Stay-Focused transforms young adults in Cayman Islands with disabilities

From Stay-Focused Stay-Focused offers a unique, transformational learning experience to teens and young adults with disabilities. Through a SCUBA certification program, participants gain confidence, develop leadership skills, become more independent, and join the Stay-Focused community. Participants learn to challenge themselves,…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iCrime iFinance iLocal News iWorld News News

Square taps Wilson to fend off infringement claims

By Marisa Kendall From The Recorder SAN FRANCISCO — Square Inc., a manufacturer of mobile credit card readers, is taking an offensive stance against patent infringement accusations from a Cayman Islands-based company on a litigation spree. Square’s lawyers at Wilson…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Caribbean energy experts recommends creation of new Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE)

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) participated in a historic regional workshop to promote sustainable energy industries and markets in the Caribbean. The technical design and institutional set-up of the Caribbean Centre for Renewable Energy and…

Caribbean News front pg story iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

Little change to tropical disturbance 93L [may be TD Thu]

NOTE: SEE UPDATED IMAGES BELOW STORY By Dr. Jeff Masters From Weather Underground An area of disturbed weather located near 9°N, 45°W at 8 am EDT Wednesday, about 1150 miles east of the Lesser Antilles Islands (93L), has the potential…

iCrime iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

US: ‘Threats’ behind release of Venezuela general

From Caribbean Business CARACAS, Venezuela — (AP) U.S. officials said Monday they believe Venezuela used “threats” against Aruba to pressure it to release a powerful former general who is wanted by the United States for alleged drug trafficking. “We are…