
iLocal News Archives

Day: August 17, 2014

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Fury over FCA including Cayman Islands on its “High Risk List”

There has been much fury from the Cayman Islands over the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) placing the Cayman Islands on their High Risk List. The FCA states on its website: “We regulate the financial services industry in the UK….

Caribbean News iCrime iLocal News News

Wounding in Cayman Brac

From RCIPS Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 9:57 AM Brac police arrested a 38 year old male yesterday morning on suspicion of Wounding/Aggravated Burglary and Damage to Property. The circumstances are the suspect forcebly entered a residential house on the Bluff…

Caribbean News iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

Small Caribbean island of Barbuda rattled by two earthquakes within a week

From Caribbean360 AUGUST 16, 2014 1611011 draw of seismometer in earthquake move of earth CODRINGTON, Barbuda, Saturday August 16, 2014, CMC – Barbuda was rattled by a 4.5 magnitude earthquake late on Friday night, the second earth tremor to hit the…