
iLocal News Archives

Day: November 24, 2014

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

CIBC First Caribbean International informs customers its intention to vary terms of its present arrangement [in Barbados & Cayman Islands] – see Consumerism

By Jeff Cumberbatch From The Barbados Advocate Musings: The Consumerist Agenda I Even though there is much fodder for a columnist these days, the plain incongruity of some regional affairs forces me, in part, to revert to a theme I…

iCommunity iCulture iEnvironment iScience iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Female primates are promiscuous to stop males from killing their offspring

By Kashmira Gander From The Independent “As a result, some males have testicles which are up to 10 times larger than normal in breeding season” Some female primates are promiscuous in order to prevent males from killing their offspring. It…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Caribbean private sector needs help

From Guardian TT Executive director of the Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export), Pamela Coke-Hamilton, says private sector organisations across the Caribbean are in urgent need of support as they continue to mitigate the negative effects of the global recession…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iCrime iCulture iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

EU judges, Maltese mysteries, and Christians in the Caribbean

PART IV By Nikolaj Nielsenn From EUobserver BRUSSELS – John Dalli, flanked by his lawyers, enters the blue-carpeted chamber of the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg and faces a panel of five black-robed judges. It is July 2014 –…

iCommunity iEntertainment iLocal News iWorld News News top news

Cartoon of the Day

By Tony Zuvela, Cartoonist “It’s my own little World which I can escape to everyday and create a fun, weird, berserk Cartoon to whatever subject I like. I enjoy doing all the work myself, and all the aspects of Cartooning,…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Brian Lenihan Snr and Haughey named in Ansbacher file – Former Tanaiste held Cayman Island

By Daniel McConnell From Sunday Independent THE late former Tanaiste Brian Lenihan Senior and former Taoiseach Charles Haughey are two of nine former leading politicians named in the controversial Ansbacher dossier as having Cayman Island accounts for the purpose of…

iLocal News iWorld News News top news

homeless community that lived beneath Manhattan

Striking photos of the homeless community that lived beneath Manhattan By Christian Storm From Business Insider New York City has a long and sordid history with its homeless. While the city has been attempting to deal with the problem for…

Caribbean News iCommunity iCulture iEntertainment iFood iJamaica iLocal News iTravel iWorld News Manager's Choice News

8 things you didn’t know about Jamaica

By Oliver Hill Special to CNN From Las Vegas Review Journal Unless you’ve been stuck in a mine shaft or visiting a distant planet for the past few decades, chances are you’ve heard of Bob Marley and Usain Bolt and…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iLocal News iOpinion iTravel iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Tourism matters: We have to get more involved

By Adrian Loveridge From Caribbean News Now It seems almost inconceivable to accept that the dreaded APD (Advanced Passenger Duty) was implemented in the United Kingdom, or others would say thrust upon the industry, some twenty years ago. There has…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Taiwan’s ability to sign FTAs in doubt: US

By John Liu From The China Post TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan’s efforts to establish free trade agreements (FTA) with other countries have stalled, with the international community beginning to doubt Taiwan’s ability to ratify negotiated agreements following the public’s strong…