
iLocal News Archives

Month: March 2015

Caribbean News front pg story iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iFinance iLocal News iScience News

Additional capacity for consumer owned renewable energy announced by Cayman Islands regulatory authority

From Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. and The Electricity Regulatory Authority of the Cayman Islands March 31st 2015 The Electricity Regulatory Authority of the Cayman Islands Provides Additional Capacity for Consumer-Owned Renewable Energy (CORE) Generation Programme Following an interim decision made…

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iKids iLocal News iTeenz iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

CEO of Save The Bays [Bahamas] to spearhead youth environmental programme

Newly appointed CEO of Save The Bays [Bahamas] to spearhead renewed focus on groundbreaking Youth Environmental Ambassadors programme From Bahama Islands Info Inspiring a new generation of environmentalists NASSAU, Bahamas — The effort to protect the environment is ultimately a…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News News

Commentary: Freedom of information in the Caribbean: Twenty years and beyond

By Aylair Livingstone From Caribbean News Now The Caribbean has caught up with the global trend that now counts more than 100 countries with Freedom of Information (FOI) laws. Over the past 20 years, the majority of the 20 member…

Caribbean News Editors Choice iBusiness iCommunity iEnvironment iFinance iLocal News iWorld News News

How massive canal projects threaten the Caribbean

From Worldcrunch With the Panama Canal set to expand and Nicaragua planning its own huge canal, the Caribbean is bracing for big shifts in shipping traffic. On the French islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, hard questions from both fishermen and…

Caribbean News iBooks iCommunity iCulture iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

A hidden piece of WWII history

From The Haverhill Gazette While conducting research for her doctoral thesis, Northern Essex Community College associate professor Ligia Domenech stumbled upon a brief reference to the U-Boat blockade of the Caribbean during World War II. This footnote left her with…

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AS I SEE THINGS: We must take part of the blame

By Brian M. Francis, From Barbados Nation News There is absolutely no secret that our small, open economies in the Caribbean are faced with many challenges as they seek to grow and develop along sustained lines. Those challenges are alluded…

Editors Choice iCommunity iCrime iEnvironment iLocal News iWorld News News

New Yorkers march in solidarity with Selma

By Tequila Minsky From Caribbean Life Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, civil rights activist Norman Siegel, Karen Daughtry and State Senator Jesse Hamilton walked arm in arm over the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday along with hundreds of others. Those who…

iBusiness iLocal News iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Professors issue conflicting views of patent reform

By Sheri Qualters, From The National Law Journal Dozens of academics have signed letters to Congress outlining contrasting concerns about pending patent reform legislation. [In March], 40 economists and law professors who research patents wrote to the Senate Judiciary Committee…

iCommunity iCrime iKids iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

South Sudan frees hundreds of child fighters

By Patrick Washington From the Dallas Weekly (GIN)—South Sudan’s Democratic Army Cobra Faction announced its third release of child soldiers as agreed in a pact with the government signed last May. Over the weekend, 654 children registered with the United…

iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

World Backup Day: Best practices to backup your data

By Jesus Vigo March From Tech Republic Jesus Vigo reviews options and best practices associated with backing up data on your Apple devices in observance of World Backup Day 2015. Data backup best practices Data, it is said, is the…