
iLocal News Archives

Day: August 6, 2015

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Suspicion and animosity makes tour success Froome’s best

By Barnaby Chesterman, AFP By Business Insider Paris (AFP) – Chris Froome admitted he’d been “up against everything” at the Tour de France where he was accused of cheating, spat upon and had urine thrown at him. The 30-year-old Briton…

iEntertainment iLocal News iWorld News News top news

amusement park wonders

The 7 amusement park wonders of the world By Jason Heidemann From Orbitz Never mind the merry-go-round. August 16 is National Roller Coaster Day, which means we’re aiming for high-stakes thrills, baby! You wanna go for the ride of the…

iEnvironment iHealth iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Spitting armadillos blamed for Florida’s emerging leprosy problem

By Jessica Firger From Newseek Health officials in Florida are urging residents to keep away from armadillos, which they suspect are the cause of an increasing number of cases of leprosy in the state. According to local media reports, nine…

Caribbean News iBusiness iLocal News iTravel iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Family fears gran (81) will never fly again after ‘nightmare Aer Lingus experience’

By Claire McCormack From Independent ie It was supposed to be a very happy day for 81-year-old Sheila O’Flynn. The valiant grandmother, from Galway City, was set to fly off on an exciting family vacation to the exotic island of…

iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iWorld News Publisher's Choice

Shah panel for strict monitoring of P-notes

By Mukesh Jagota From My Digitalfc Use of stock market for money laundering must be checked The special investigation team (SIT) set up by the centre after the Supreme Court intervention to deal with the problem of black money has…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Tom Demark warns: Chinese stocks are following the path of the Dow in 1929

By David Scutt, From Business Insider Australia While China’s stock market suffered one of the largest declines on record yesterday, we ain’t seen nothing yet, according to the man who predicted the low point for the Shanghai Composite index in…

iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Baby seal stuck in mud rescued by curious cows

By Max Knoblauch From Mashable “Rescued by cows” is the kind of thing that you didn’t know was on your bucket list until you hear about it happening to someone else. Let this baby seal in Lincolnshire, U.K. be that…

iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iScience iTech iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Survey: Will artificial intelligence take over IT and the world?

By Scott Matteson From TechRepublic Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a staple of science fiction and cinema for decades now, with one of the most famous early examples being Stanley Kubrick’s film “2001: A Space Odyssey.” It represented the potential…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

The best and worst stock picks from Donald Trump, newly revealed

By Jason Abbruzzese From Mashable Would you let Donald Trump pick stocks for you? The answer is: maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. That’s what we gathered, at least after delving into the financial documents he filed with…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

Critics fear Pacific trade deal favours big business over states

By Glenda Kwek, AFP From Business Insider Sydney (AFP) – With the end game in sight to what could be the world’s most ambitious trade deal, critics fear a controversial mechanism to protect investors will strengthen the hand of big…