
iLocal News Archives

Day: February 24, 2016

iBusiness iFinance iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

There are 2 tribes on Wall Street, and they could be about to go to war

By Matt Turner From Business Insider Stock trading specialists on Wall Street are being asked to give their colleagues in the fixed-income markets a hand. The bond-trading veterans aren’t so sure they want the help. Consider what happened when former Goldman…

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Antigay group accidentally raises thousands of dollars for LGBTQ teens

BY HEATHER DOCKRAY From Mashable Sometimes, even the worst intentions go beautifully awry. Minus 18, an Australian nonprofit that serves LGBTQ youth, recently decided to hold a formal dance for their clients. An antigay coalition called ‘STOP Safe Schools’ soon…

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UK downgrading of human rights sets dangerous precedent, says Amnesty

By Patrick Wintour Diplomatic editor From theguardian UK Group criticises plans to scrap Human Rights Act, proposed new spying laws and relations with China, Saudi Arabia and Egypt Britain is setting a dangerous precedent by undermining human rights and contributing…

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Renting out entire cruise ships

By Dennis Green From Business Insider The newest trend in billionaire yachting is renting out entire cruise ships Chartering yachts is nothing new — many boat owners rent their mega-yachts out for months at a time to make up for…

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Little Cayman: Southern Cross Club named to 2016 TripAdvisor Traveller’s Choice Awards

On an island with the population of only 170 residents, the Southern Cross Club with only 14 beach bungalows, stands tall against some of the largest resorts in the Caribbean, according to the travel website TripAdvisor. The resort has been…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News News

Cayman Islands ICO rules to release CIAA records

ICO releases Hearing Decision 50 involving records of the Cayman Islands Airports Authority (CIAA) In March 2015 an applicant requested access to records relating to an event dated 22 March 2015 involving two airplanes, which the Cayman Islands Airports Authority…

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‘Freakonomics’ author says the most upsetting problem he’s ever researched was cancer

By Julie Bort From Business Insider Stephen Dubner, co-author of the best-selling “Freakonomics” series of books, has helped analyze hundreds of problems between four books (and an upcoming fifth, on golf), a blog and his podcast radio show. While he’s often depicted…

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Florida: 400-pound woman survives sexual assault by herd of manatees

By Bob Flanagan From World news Daily Report SC Fort Pierce, FL | The U.S. Coast Guard rescued a Florida woman from a frightening assault by a herd of manatees yesterday near Pepper Park Beach, a popular beach in the…

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US Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans close ranks on Scalia seat

By Mike Sacks, From The National Law Journal GOP: “Consensus view” was to take no action at all on Obama’s upcoming pick. The Senate Judiciary Committee’s Republican members have closed ranks against holding hearings or a vote on any nominee…

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This award-winning photo perfectly sums up the ongoing refugee crisis

By Jeremy Bender From Business Insider The challenges of the past year, and their potential impact, was perfectly summarized in a single photo from Warren Richardson, who won the World Press Photo of the Year 2015 and also the first prize…