
iLocal News Archives

Month: March 2016

Editors Choice iLocal News iScience iWorld News News

How an MIT professor helped confirm Einstein’s theory of relativity

BY KEVIN SLANE From After over 40 years of research, the work of MIT physics professor Rainer Weiss has been validated. An MIT professor is at the center of what is being hailed as one of the most momentous…

iBusiness iCommunity iCrime iFinance iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

The Internet raised $50,000 to help a retired police officer keep his K9 partner

BY MARCUS GILMER From Mashable The Internet can often be a cold, dark place. But there are instances when a story strikes such a chord with online audiences that a community can coalesce around a subject for the greater good….

Caribbean News iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) Subregional Headquarters for the Caribbean

Brazil to benefit from ECLAC disaster assessment training A public financial institution from Brazil, Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES) will soon benefit from the established disaster assessment expertise of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the…

Editors Choice iLocal News iWorld News News

Germany: Assisted suicide – first decisions react to new law

By Tatjana Schroeder Contributed by SKW Schwarz Rechtsanwälte From International Law Office Introduction On November 6 2015 Parliament voted for a new law on the culpability of individuals who assist in another person’s suicide and a new Section 217 of…

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Gadget of the week

iRobot’s cloud-connected Roomba 980 is smart enough to map floors By Devindra Hardawar From engadget Two years ago, iRobot got rid of bristles with the Roomba 880. Now, the company is making its iconic vacuum cleaning robot even smarter with…

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Supreme Court ruling on removal of children

From Samson & Mcgrath Date: 22 February, 2016 In the case of Re B (A Child) (Habitual Residence: Inherent Jurisdiction) [2016] UKSC 4 the Supreme Court (by a majority of 3:2) have delivered a judgment of huge practical significance which…

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Guyanese businesswoman placed on $190,000 bail for trafficking niece

By iNews Guyana From St Lucia News Online INEWSGUYANA – A businesswoman was on Monday released on $190,000 bail by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan when she appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged with trafficking in persons. Joyce Lawrence of…

iCommunity iCrime iLifestyle iLocal News iWorld News News Publisher's Choice

Gay men to receive apology for historic homosexual convictions in Australia

BY JENNI RYALL From Mashable An Australian state government will apologise for historic laws which criminalised homosexuality. Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced Sunday he will make an official apology on May 24 regarding the former state laws in which homosexual men…

Editors Choice iBusiness iLocal News iWorld News News

McConnell’s foreign companies raise questions

By Bill Britt From Alabama Political Reporter MONTGOMERY—Exotic locations, pirates on the high-seas, and a run for the US Senate sounds like an adventure novel, but a closer look at Senate candidate Jonathon McConnell’s business interests, raises questions about foreign…

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MAFIFA: Is FIFA a victim or culprit?

By Collister M. Fahie From Caribbean News Now The definition of the word victim is as follows: a person or entity that is affected adversely by others through unlawful or illegal actions. The definition of a culprit is as follows:…