
iLocal News Archives

Month: April 2017

PAHO develops new guidelines to help reduce alcoholic consumption in the Caribbean

By CANA WASHINGTON, Apr. 19, CMC – The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) says it has developed new principles for regional countries to consider in developing regulations for alcoholic consumption and related harms. On Tuesday, PAHO said that “alcohol marketing…

An exit from the Caribbean housing trap

BY MICHAEL G. DONOVAN AND THERESE TURNER-JONES From Americas Quarterly Putting a decent roof over everyone’s head in the Caribbean would cost $18 billion. Here are three keys to making it happen. The Caribbean is caught in a housing trap….

Panama Papers: Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif survives corruption ruling

From BBC Nawaz Sharif and his family have denied any wrongdoing Pakistan’s Supreme Court has ruled there is insufficient evidence of corruption to remove Nawaz Sharif from the role of prime minister. It instead ordered a further investigation into money…

At 117, Jamaican woman likely just became world’s oldest

By RAYMOND SIMPSON, ASSOCIATED PRESS From ABC News DUANVALE, Jamaica — Apr 17, 2017, Violet Brown spent much of her life cutting sugarcane in the fields around her home in western Jamaica. She attended church regularly, avoids pork and chicken…

Caribbean News Events iBusiness iCommunity iLocal News iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Venezuela accuses Latin American neighbours of ‘meddling’

From Caribbean News Now CARACAS, Venezuela — Venezuela’s Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez has criticised as “meddling” a joint statement by 11 Latin American countries calling on Venezuela’s government to “guarantee the right to peaceful protest”. In their joint statement, the…

This frog’s slime can destroy flu viruses

BY MARIA GALLUCCI From Mashable Flu virus, meet frog slime. A component of mucus — yum — from the skin of South Indian frogs can destroy the H1 variety of influenza viruses, a new study found. Defensive compounds in frogs’…

Webinar on elimination of lead paint in the Caribbean countries

From ONU medio ambiente United Nations experts and government officials discussed the health and economic impacts of lead exposure and the need to advance on lead paint legislation in the Caribbean during a webinar on April 7. Lead exposure is…

BRT Weekend heads to an A-List location Palm Springs, California

April 19, 2017: What do Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival, Stagecoach Country Music Festival, and BRT Weekend Caribbean Music Festival have in common??? Each of these events will take place in the California desert getaway—Palm Springs. BRT Weekend will…

Caribbean chocolate

BEAN TO BAR: A CHOCOLATE LOVER’S GUIDE TO THE CARIBBEAN By: Melanie Reffes From Caribbean Travel Source: Marry Caribbean The ultimate comfort food, chocolate is a romance-inducer, mood-enhancer and the gift that keeps on giving on Valentine’s Day. The champagne…