
iLocal News Archives

Day: December 28, 2017

Trinidad lawyers to meet on chief justice allegations on Friday

From Caribbean News Now PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad — The Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago (LATT) Council will meet on Friday to consider a preliminary report on allegations involving Chief Justice Ivor Archie, who is expected back from an…

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Cayman Islands lecturer unveils new research on public-private partnerships

CAYMAN ISLANDS LAW SCHOOL LLM Course Leader Laura Panades has published a book chapter on public-private partnerships as a vehicle to improve social standards. The European Parliament, in collaboration with reputed think tanks, has published this book as a collection…

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How this savvy mom found a dangerous substance in her daughter’s makeup kit from Claire’s

By Elise Solé From Yahoo News Retailer Claire’s is pulling more than a dozen makeup products, thanks to one conscientious mom who discovered asbestos in her 6-year-old daughter’s makeup kit. Kristi Warner, 30, is an operations manager at Deaton Law…

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Thousands of websites are quietly fighting ad blocking

By Jon Fingas From engadget Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. Websites aren’t always conspicuous in their attempts to combat ad blockers. Researchers from the University of Iowa and UC Riverside havelearned that 30.5 percent…

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‘Blurring of the seasons’ throughout 2017 led to confusion for birds, bees and plants in the UK, according to the National Trust’s review of the year

By COLIN FERNANDEZ From Daily Mail UK   A mild start to the winter and a damp summer was the story of 2017’s weather This ‘blurring’ of the seasons was a mixed blessing for wildlife the charity said. The organisation…

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A dog’s breakfast. Here’s what it means

BY KEITH WAGSTAFF From Mashable CNN sent out a news alert Wednesday that was … well, a little confusing to some people.Here’s what it said: “Analysis: With Trump at the helm, US policy in the Middle East has been a…

Cartoon of the week

By Tony Zuvela, Cartoonist “It’s my own little World which I can escape to everyday and create a fun, weird, berserk Cartoon to whatever subject I like. I enjoy doing all the work myself, and all the aspects of Cartooning,…

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Excessive video gaming will be recognized as official disorder by WHO

From WN The World Health Organization is prepared to classify “gaming disorder” as a mental health problem for its upcoming 2018 update to the International Classification of Diseases, according to CBS News. “How serious is the problem? It’s an epidemic,”…

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Researchers say life on Mars may have had a better chance underground

By Mallory Locklear From engadget Subsurface hydrothermal systems could have been more hospitable to life. Mars is now a dry, cold planet, but whether it once supported life is still an open question. On Earth, areas that once hosted long…

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Security – Everyone’s concern, everyone’s responsibility

From CSSN News CSSN would like to thank the Caribbean Compass where the following article was published in their December 2017 issue (P. 41). Visit to access the current and full archive of Compass issues. WHAT’S ON MY MIND……