
iLocal News Archives

Day: March 18, 2020

Events iBusiness iCommunity iFinance iHealth iLocal News iTravel iWorld News Manager's Choice News

Global perspectives: The time to panic has passed

The continued global spread of COVID-19 now represents the worst worst-case scenario. It appears that non-pharmaceutical intervention (NPI) methods will now be employed to supress the spread of the virus in all major jurisdictions, and at least until a vaccine…

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The UWI adds Psycho-Social experts to its COVID-19 Task Force

Regional Headquarters, Jamaica. March 17, 2020—Recognising the science associated with post trauma stress related to the COVID-19 pandemic, The University of the West Indies (The UWI) has taken the additional step of establishing a special operational unit within its regional…

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Porsche stops production due to the coronavirus

Sports car manufacturer plans production-free period Stuttgart. As from the coming week, Porsche will suspend production for an initial period of two weeks. By taking this step, the sports car manufacturer is responding to the significant acceleration in the rate…

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Almost 25 million jobs could be lost worldwide as a result of COVID-19

From ILO News The economic and labour crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic could increase global unemployment by almost 25 million, according to a new assessment by the International Labour Organization (ILO). However, if we see an internationally coordinated policy…

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Cayman: A Day of Action by the RCIPS

From RCIPS On Tuesday, 25 February, police carried out a co-ordinated “Day of Action” operation across Grand Cayman. The purpose of this operation was to maintain public confidence, increase visibility of officers, target illegal activities and areas frequented by anti-social…

18 Mar Weather in Cayman

18 Mar Wed 2020 SYNOPSIS Moderate to high winds and rough seas. Small craft warning in effect. A mix of cloud and sun today. Clear to partly cloudy tonight. Humidity: 60% (DOWN from yesterday)UV: 11.9 EXTREME (UP from yesterday)Temperature: Today’s…

Cayman: HSA halts General Practice appointments at George Town Clinic

The Health Services Authority is cancelling all non-essential appointments for George Town General Practice Clinic effective immediately to protect our patients and minimize potential transmission of COVID-19. All patients with appointments will be contacted to reschedule. The Acute Care walk-in…