31 Dec Weather in Cayman
Thu 31 Dec 2020

Weather in Cayman

Small craft advisory
Fresh southeasterly winds and rough seas will continue across the Cayman area for the next 24 hours as the pressure gradient remains tight across the northwest Caribbean. Radar images show isolated showers in and around the Cayman area moving towards the northwest.
Humidity: 73% (UP from yesterday)
UV: 6.6 HIGH (DOWN from yesterday)
Temperature: Today’s expected temperatures – 78°F to 85°F. Yesterday: H 75.6°F L 84.6°F
Winds: Today: SE 10-20 mph. Tonight: ESE 10-20 mph
Barometer: 1012.40 mb Steady
Rain: Last month: 15.91 in
Last 24 hrs (since yesterday’s reading) 0.00 in
This month: 0.93 in 6 days since rain, 7 rain days in Dec
2019 Season Total: 31.27 in
2020 Season Total: 80.64 in
Latest rainfall readings are from NORTH SOUND.
Average rainfall in Dec 2.2 in.
Average temperature in Dec: 73°F to 84°F
Sea Temperature in Dec: 82°F
MOON: 98% illumination

Tides, Moonrise, Moonset, and Moon Phases, DEC 2020


See: http://www.weather.gov.ky/portal/page?_pageid=4421,7428393&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL
FOR RADAR IMAGE GO TO: http://www.weather.gov.ky/portal/page/portal/nwshome/forecasthome/rada
Also see Weather In Cayman: http://www.weatherincayman.com/
Moon info and graphic: https://www.timeanddate.com/moon/uk/georgetown