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5 tips for storing your HHC gummies

Cannabinoid delivery through sweet treats like gummies has rapidly grown in popularity, thanks to efficient dosage delivery and ease of use. Not to forget, the long-lasting effects these edibles leave through precise dosages make them a user favorite. 

Among the many cannabinoid infusions into gummies are the HHC gummies that come in vibrant colors and a wide range of flavors. But like most edibles, these tend to lose freshness quickly sometimes. You may experience a change in taste, texture, or even potency. So what could cause this? Although the mentioned expiration date of the product may typically be about two years, improper storage could expose them to factors that could cause premature degradation. The only way out then is to throw the product and replace it. 

HHC gummies are effective but expensive products. Therefore preserving them properly by abiding by necessary storage tips can help you make the best out of your investment. Try these five practical tips to support good gummies storage. 

1. Keep The Light Away 

So, how to store HHC gummies at home?HHC products remain potent and in the best shape for use when stored away from light and indoors. Many of us may like to carry our gummies to work or other places and leave them in the car or the bike pouch. But storing them here during the night or even directly exposing them to sunlight during the day could cause the gummies to melt. It could significantly influence the potency and integrity of the product. 

Always store the gummies in an appropriate package indoors. If you plan to travel with them, ensure you place them in a handbag or other luggage away from the sun. Remember to carry them back inside to preserve them. 

2. Moisture Lock

Moisture is an enemy to edibles. HHC gummies typically come in proper packaging, where companies pay attention to airtight sealing. The reason is that increased oxygen exposure to the gummies could accelerate degradation and cause them to go bad soon. But storing the gummies once you have opened the original packaging could become challenging. So how do we navigate that? 

Few brands have begun packaging in resealable bags that are easy to close and store even after opening them. You can quickly press on the sealing area at the top of the packet after use to preserve the gummies away from moisture. Another elegant solution, especially homemade gummies, would be storing them in an airtight container. These are very easy to locate at household stores in different sizes and effectively help keep the contents without allowing moisture or air exposure. 

3. Protect From Heat 

Always store your gummy container in a dark, dry part of your home or office. You can preferably use a kitchen cabinet, drawer, or closet space. Remember, heat, light, and moisture can immensely impact the potency of HHC products. So protecting them from excessive exposure to these factors is crucial. 

Avoid leaving the container near windows or close to the bathroom or kitchen sink. The imbalance of the environmental parameters could rapidly ruin the complete batch. Avoid refrigerating the gummies too. It is a common mistake committed by cannabis enthusiasts that drastically affects the texture. You may prefer dark-colored, opaque containers for storage for the best benefits. 

4. Store In Batches 

Bulk buying or preparations are a common practice for cannabis products. Brands tend to come with large discount sales at certain times of the year, and buying a large batch or cooking it could last several months may save you a couple of bucks. But one of the most common mistakes with bulk products is storing such large quantum improperly that could lead to the entire batch going to waste. 

Even if you have a large batch, transfer a portion of the gummies into a small airtight container. You can split the rest of the inventory into small containers and store them at the back of your closet or kitchen cabinet. Keep only one container for regular use and refill when required. This way, most of the batch remains away from exposure to heat or moisture. 

Additionally, be careful while working with large quantities. Check the expiration date, and do not buy quantities that may last you well past this day. If you plan to dispose of the original packaging or have your homemade batch,  note down the expiration date on a piece of paper and stick it on top of the containers to know when to stop using them. 


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