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7-month-old baby girl chokes to death after live fish her aunt is holding wriggles free and jumps into her mouth

rsizebabychokes-665x385From Inquisitr

7-month-old baby chokes on fish that wriggles free from aunt’s grip.
A 7-month-old baby girl has died in a bizarre tragedy in Cambodia.

The baby girl was at Cambodia’s Mekong River with her family when Chea Sophia, the little girl’s aunt, caught a fish. Sophia dangled the fish in front of the little girl, who laughed loudly as the fish wriggled about. Sophia continued to entertain the baby girl with the fish. Suddenly, the frightened fish began wriggling so vigorously that it slipped from Sophia’s hand and flopped into the baby’s mouth, reports the Daily Mail.

The horrified aunt desperately tried to pull the small fish from her niece’s mouth, but it had lodged itself in the baby’s throat. No matter how hard she tried to free the fish from the struggling baby’s throat, it would not budge. Sophia then grabbed the baby and attempted to get her medical care in the Chroy Changva District, which rests close to the Mekong River near the region’s capital of Phnom Penh.

The aunt says that she brought the baby girl to a local clinic, but once inside the clinic, Sophia says that the doctor on duty, for reasons still unknown, refused to treat the child, reports the Boston News Times.

Reportedly, Sophia then flagged down a passerby and got a lift on a motorcycle. The motorcyclist drove the aunt and baby to a hospital that was several miles away. When they finally reached the hospital, doctors there told her it was too late and that the baby had already passed.

It is unknown if the baby girl was still alive when the doctor at the clinic refused to treat her. It is also unknown if the doctor has been questioned by police.

Police responded to a call from hospital staff and the aunt was questioned about the 7-month-old’s death. Police officials stated that there was a possibility that the aunt would be charged with causing the baby’s death through negligence.

The parents of the baby, Khon Raya, 35, and his wife, 22, have told officials that they do not want the baby’s aunt charged. They said no good can come from charging Sophia with the baby’s death. They just want to bury their child in peace.

“They have accepted that it was a freak accident and the aunt did not behave negligently,” a police spokesperson said.

At this time, officials have made the decision not to charge Sophia in the baby’s tragic death.

image:×385.jpg [Photos via Wikipedia and Wikipedia Commons]

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