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8 tips for those who want to install a Toyota Hilux Snorkel on their vehicle

There are many reasons behind you wanting to install a snorkel on your vehicle. When installed, it lets your car breathe easily on road and provide better gas mileage and moreover, it looks really cool. The Toyota Hilux snorkelis reliable for your vehicle. If you’re thinking about installing one for yourself or someone else in your family, we’ve got some handy tips to make the process go much more smoothly.

Step 1: Determine The Location Of The Snorkel.

The first step in installing a Toyota Hilux snorkelis determining where to mount it. You’ll require some space within the confines of your vehicle. It is best to avoid mounting the snorkel on top of the hood or windshield because doing so can lead to water getting into your engine, which can result in significant damage. For example, any corrosion or rust on the roof of your car or truck will eat away at these parts until they fail!

Step 2: Grab A 3-Inch Hole Saw And Drill A Hole For The Snorkel.

To ensure you have the right tool for the job, decide what size hole saw to use. You will be able to cut a hole in your fender that is approximately 2 inches wide and 1 inch tall using the hole saw that is 3 inches long. It should be noted that if you’re using a drill press or handheld power drill, be sure it has enough power so as not to damage any nearby metal parts of your car’s bodywork when drilling through thicker materials like sheet metal or steel plates.

Step 3: Test For Fit, And Expand The Hole If Necessary.

You can test the fit of your Toyota Hilux snorkelby trying to fit it into the hole in your bumper. If it doesn’t fit, you may need to enlarge the hole using a file or sandpaper.

In the following step, you will need to use a drill to create a hole through the top surface of your bumper. This will allow you to attach mounting screws that will keep your snorkel in place. This will allow easy access when attaching and removing vehicles with different styles of bumpers (such as those found on SUVs).

Step 4: Place Silicone Around The Edges Of The Hole You’ve Made.

You should place a small silicone over your new Toyota Hilux snorkel opening and ensure it is completely covered with this material. This will help prevent water from entering through any cracks or holes in your new snorkel, which could potentially cause damage to the interior of your vehicle during the rainy or snowy seasons if there is any excess moisture inside the vehicle. Doing so will help prevent water from entering through any cracks or holes in your new snorkel.

Step 5: Slide Your Snorkel Inside The Hole And Let It Set For Several Hours To Dry.

As you finish riding, slide your Toyota Hilux snorkel inside the hole and let it set for several hours to dry. You don’t want to put silicone on either side of the hole because this will prevent air from getting in when you start driving.

Step 6: Mount Your New Snorkel Using The Hardware Included In Your Kit.

The manufacturer of your kit will include the mounting hardware with their product. This is usually a set of bolts and nuts that you can use to secure your Toyota Hilux snorkel on the vehicle. It’s important to tighten these bolts securely but not overly tight so that it doesn’t damage your windshield or other parts of your vehicle. 

Step 7: Ensure That Everything Is Secure And Fully Tightened.

Now that you have your snorkel and it’s ready to install, it is important to ensure that everything is secure and fully tightened before applying silicone around all exposed metal surfaces. This will ensure no gaps or openings for water to enter through any holes or cracks in your vehicle.

Step 8: Allow It To Dry Overnight

After you’ve applied the silicone, it is important to allow your Toyota Hilux snorkelto dry out completely. This can take up to 24 hours, depending on the humidity level in your area. Make sure you check for any air bubbles or cracks in the silicone after this time have passed, and add more if necessary.


With these steps, you should be able to install your snorkel on your vehicle and enjoy the cooling effect it provides. Try installing a Toyota Hilux snorkel for a superior and trusted quality snorkel for your vehicles.


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