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9/27th Breaking News; Sponsored Tickets; Your Invitation

From Haiti Tech Summit

Yesterday we had our monthly community stakeholder meeting with 4 key influencers in the Haitian Community and we got fired up! It’s time we awaken the fire that is within you as well. 

Some takeaways from the session: 

***Political unrest and economic uncertainty is causing Haitans to look for new avenues of opportunity. Everything used to be centered in Port au Prince, from government entities to elite schools to business headquarters. Haitians are now moving back to their hometowns and building strong communities in other areas of the country. Decentralization of power is happening right now. What new areas of opportunity are you exploring today? 

***Haiti is once again making global rounds in the media spotlight again for the wrong reasons. It seems like a timeless act for politicians and business leaders to continue dragging the name of Haiti and its people through the mud to only advance their own personal purposes. Many Haitians with the Diaspora are once again fighting against the perpetual negative narrative surrounding the country and seeking justice and respect for Haitian people. In what ways are you standing up for Haiti and its legacy today? 

***Depression and mental health is at an all time high as more and more economic uncertainty unravels people’s ability to launch new businesses, start new projects and expand personal ambitions both across the country and across the global diaspora. The times are hard, but we don;t need to work in isolation. As more and more influencers share how they are navigating this challenging time, many more Hatians are embodying the strength and resilience of moving forward and keeping the faith.Chaos is only a catalyst for rebirth. Do you believe that a new future is on the horizon for you?  

In summary, these dialogues are reminding us of why coming together during these times is so crucial. 

Solidarity and community are the weapons of change. 

Resilience and perseverance are the weapons of hope. 

And honor and legacy are the weapons of impact. 

We are moving forward. Join us. 

We again invite you to come with your fears, hopes, and aspirations for a new Haiti. There is work to do. We hope to welcome you to the movement. 

With only 2 weeks left before we convene for the 8th Annual Haiti Tech Summit (Legacy Edition), we are working with all players in the ecosystem to make sure this gathering during the United Nations General Assembly Week on September 27, 2024 is one to remember. 

So we are pleased to announce our accelerator partnership with IBM Cloud, AWS, Google Cloud and Meventum who are making remarkable offerings to all registrations made within the next 72 hours! 

*****We have opened up 50 Sponsored Free Delegate tickets. Apply now via eventbrite

*****All VIP delegates in the next few hours will receive a VIP swag bag with HTS Hat/Shirt in addition to premium seating. 

*****All HTS delegates will have access to $100k in free Google Cloud Credits 

This is a major opportunity for those who are upcoming influencers and organizers who want to access the community. 

Confirm your participation via eventbrite now. All confirmations will be sent on Monday. 

And when you book over the next 72 hours, give us a shout out so we can know if today’s message hit home for you today. 

There is power in the community. Let’s show what Haiti is made of. 


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