Cayman Islands Civil Service and Deputy Governor reply to EY Report
Letter from James T. Watler, President CICSA
P. O. Box 30779-SMB Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
September 11, 2014
As you are now aware the Ernst and Young Report recommending continuing cuts to the Civil Service has been received by the Government. It has been published in its entirety on the website of the Office of the Deputy Governor ( Direct Link:,8198781&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL – Likewise, it was placed on CS Messages late Tuesday afternoon. The Cayman Islands Civil Service Association (CICSA) encourages all of our members to familiarize themselves with the report. The Management Council is currently doing so, in order that we may be able to provide input on this very extensive proposal. We also urge you to provide us with feedback on the Report so that you can be represented. Your input is crucial in this process so we are looking forward to receiving your thoughts and ideas on the way forward.
When the Report was made public on September 9th the Portfolio of the Civil Service (POCS) met with the Management Council of the Association to appraise us of the Report’s release. One of the things they wished to assure Civil Servants of was that no decisions have yet been taken regarding implementation of the report. However we must be cognizant of the fact that the Deputy Governor has made a commitment to carrying out the policy obligations he has been given to reduce the cost and size of the Civil Service. While Civil Servants do not make policy the Association will act as an advocate for the rights of our members and look to ensure that the employer’s moral, contractual and legislative obligations are honored. We will also act as a conduit for our members to make representation to the Civil Service management and to the Government as we try to limit the negative impacts of the changes as much as possible. Indeed, there may be opportunities to improve certain situations within and throughout the Civil Service if we are attentive and if the guiding principles of good governance and fairness also extend to the treatment of staff.
CICSA can confidently say that the civil service as a group want the Cayman Islands Government to work efficiently and effectively. However, governments do offer services that cannot be privatized, outsourced and or sold, not just because they will never be profitable but also because of the social impacts of the profit or the loss of the service. Therefore the country must recognize that privatization is not a panacea that when poured down upon a Public
Service will miraculously cure all ills. We note that many privatization efforts have failed to achieve their overall objectives locally and internationally. We also want to emphasize that like any other government initiative in order for true success it is the individual civil servants that must make it happen. Thus our involvement is critical and not just as secondary stakeholders. Unfortunately, for the last decade, many of our service agencies have been operating with below optimal staff numbers while others may have been overstaffed compared to the practical demands placed upon the service. Once again we must suggest a full man power survey to better understand the current staffing situation and needs for the entire organization and a formal determination of essential services and staff to function and provide the requisite services that people expect their government to provide. This proper manpower assessment will also be needed to inform the fair cost of a service otherwise investors run the risk of their privatization failing to achieve the savings, services and profits they and the public expect.
The Civil Service Association will engage with the Portfolio of the Civil Service and the new rationalization unit to work with them to find the most effective and most respectful ways to bring about whatever policy changes are decided on. But that will only occur if we are proactive about engaging with each other. So this week, this month, this year, as you think about and experience the proposed changes to the Civil Service we urge you to let us know what you are thinking and how you think they will affect you. The association will be having meetings in the future where members can discuss the Ernst & Young Report and other issues but at any time members are urged to email [email protected] and be assured that your input will be represented. If you are not yet a member and want to make your voice heard you can join us by emailing the attached form to [email protected].
Yours sincerely,
James T. Watler, President
Letter from Hon. Franz Manderson, Deputy Governor and Head of the Civil Service
9 September, 2014
Dear Colleagues,
RE: Update on EY Report on Phase V of the Rationalisation of the Public Service
As you are aware, the Government commissioned Ernst & Young (EY) to examine opportunities for Government rationalisation and commercialization. This has been a comprehensive process of engagement with all stakeholders, involving extensive meetings and discussions with CICSA, the management of all Government ministries and departments, most statutory authorities and Government companies. I am writing today to advise that the EY report on the Phase V Rationalisation of the Public Service has been completed and distributed for the consideration of Chief Officers and the Government on 2September 2014.
Yesterday, 8 September 2014, Caucus had their first opportunity to discuss the findings and recommendations with the EY consultants, in a special presentation. Today, 9 September 2014, the Premier has called a press conference to announce the report has been received and will be made public.
I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the report, in which, as you will see, there are a wide range of recommendations, advice and analysis, which span the entire Public Service, and which will receive careful consideration by Cabinet. The recommendations cover opportunities for performance improvement, for merging and restructuring, as well as options for sale, outsourcing and engaging in public-private partnership (PPP) projects.
Once we have received the agreed recommendations from Cabinet, as Head of the Civil Service I will champion the implementation of the Government’s policy decisions. Chief Officers/CEOs/HoDs and other groups will be responsible for implementing recommendations that fall within their ministries/portfolios/statutory authorities. Additionally, Ministers will play a key role in driving through the projects within their ministries.
As announced previously, I am also establishing a unit, headed by Mrs. Mary Rodrigues, as Chief Adviser, Strategic Reforms, which will answer directly to me, and will be dedicated to overseeing and supporting the implementation of the recommendations agreed by Cabinet. This unit will help create a sense of urgency and provide the necessary leadership and support to ensure the success of our transformation programme.
Kindly note that the full report will be posted on my website: In due course, we will also publish the implementation plan, regular progress reports and other information. My aim is to be transparent and to keep both you and the public well informed on the progress in implementing the recommendations from the report.
I acknowledge that, given the nature and purpose of this exercise, there is understandably a high level of interest in the findings and implications of this report within the public service. However, I wish to assure you that both the elected Government and I are committed to ensuring that the social, economic and human resource implications of each change decision are identified and considered, and that public servants are treated fairly.
As always, Chief Officers and I are available to answers any questions you may have. I thank you for your kind cooperation.
Yours faithfully.
Deputy Governor and Head of the Civil Service