Mary Slessor: Great White Ma/CDS’ Jekyll & Hyde is a (Je)kyller production – THE VERY BEST EVER!
Mary Slessor: Great White Ma
St. George’s Anglican Church is staging a production of Mary Slessor: Great White Ma, a play written by local playwright, Colin Wilson, who is also a member of the church.
The play tells the compelling story of Mary Slessor, a late 19th Century Scottish missionary who served the people of the Calabar region of Southern Nigeria. Her service to the people of Calabar is remembered and honoured there to this day.
Ms. Slessor lived among the people and ministered to them. She learned their language and culture and spread the Christian faith. She persuaded those who still held traditional beliefs, particularly the killing of twins at birth, to abandon these cruel practices. She administered modern medicines to cure a variety of tropical diseases. She was also a crusader for women’s rights and social justice, and even served as a magistrate.
Wilson says, “It’s my bit for gender equality. Mary Slessor accomplished so much. Yet the exploits of her countryman and fellow missionary, Dr. David Livingstone, are much better known in the West. This play is an effort to honour the legacy of a remarkable woman.”
The title role is being played by Jamie K. Smith, a young graduate of the Cayman National Cultural Foundation’s Summer Arts Camp.
The production runs Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun from October 9-12 at the St. George’s Anglican Church Hall, beginning at 7:00 p.m. (except Sunday [matinee] 3pm) Tickets are available from the Church Office (above Pre-school) or may be purchased at the door on the nights of the production. Telephone: 949-5583/9164594
To read the Cayman Compass interview with the playwright Colin Wilson and Mary Slessor rehearsal photographs go to:
and to watch the interview on CITN/Cayman27 with Mary Slessor cast members Fiona Pimentel and Sharon Marshall go to:
CDS’ Jekyll & Hyde is a (Je)kyller production – THE VERY BEST EVER!
By Colin Wilson
Jekyll & Hyde is my favourite musical and I have seen it performed at the Alley Theatre in Houston at its world premiere that was magnificent and a much poorer version that was filmed at the Plymouth Theatre on Broadway starring David Hasselhoff who looked and sounded as if he had too much ‘sauce’ or even worse, although that did fit his rendering of Hyde quite well! I watched it via cable in Vegas shaking my head in disbelief why the producers had chosen Hasselhoff. Chuck Wagner, who played Jekyll and Hyde, was mesmerizing as was Linda Elder as Lucy. I am sure both of them would have jumped at the chance of being in the film version. Whilst Coleen Sexton was good in the film she couldn’t hold up a candle to Elder.
The staging of Jekyll & Hyde is difficult and I could not conceive how any amateur company on a small stage could do justice to the musical that demands fast changes and extravagant sets and costumes. Plus there is lot of male actors required – that difficulty would be an even greater challenge here in the Cayman Islands.
When I wrote “Magna Carta: The Musical Trial of King John” with Dody Denman, from Houston, who you will now correctly guess introduced me to Jekyll & Hyde, I gave the CD of the Wagner/Elder version to my musical directors Chuck & Barrie Quappe. I told them I want the Magna Carta musical to have the same style of music as that CD.
They immediately fell in love with Jekyll & Hyde. They hinted at staging it here.
I smiled and nodded and thought ‘sure”. As far as I was concerned It could not be done in any way here that would do justice to this fabulous musical. I hoped they would see the error in their thinking.
Skip forward to last Christmas when Barrie proudly announced to me at their party they, Chuck along with daughter Teri who was director, would be staging Jekyll & Hyde the following year.
I wanted to shout out ‘Oh No’ but instead lamely asked, “Where are you going to find all those men?” Teri said she had already spoken to a number of possible actors and they had all said “Yes”.
Chuck & Barrie never put on a sub par show so I was gradually going from please don’t do it to “well, this might be interesting after all.”
By the time the opening night arrived on September 18th I was actually looking forward to it. I had to wait, though, to the following night as I heavily involved in rehearsals where I am directing my own play “Mary Slessor: Great White Ma” at St George’s Anglican Church Hall – shameful plug I know! (Oct 9-12!)
The opening night, I was told was a sellout – that in its self is amazing as opening nights in Cayman are not like elsewhere – they are notable for the lack of audience.
Friday was no exception – it was ‘packed to capacity’.
Of course with Chuck & Barrie being musicians there was a live band that included some accomplished classical artists, too.
From the opening number ”I Need to Know” to the finale “The Wedding” I was amazed.
In the 33 years of theatrical experience in Cayman this was without a shadow of doubt the best production I have ever seen – and I include both the CDS (Prospect Playhouse) and the CNCF (Harquail Theatre). I am making no allowance for the word “Amateur” either.
Jekyll & Hyde must have a good Jekyll & Hyde. The whole musical depends on it. This production has Dominic Wheaton who excels. He breathes and lives the part and his voice range is outstanding. When he is Jekyll he is a man I would like to consult but when he is Hyde I would avoid him like the plague. His evil grin is enough to turn your blood to ice. His great satisfaction as he kills his victims that had wronged Jekyll is stuff of nightmares.
However, I still wanted to stand on my chair and whoop with joy at his portrayal.
The other standouts were Sophie Gough as Lisa, who also choreographed and Teri Quappe as the prostitute Lucy – how she managed to be the director as well in such a demanding role is incredible. I have never heard her sing so well. David Verhoeven in a smaller role as John Utterson, Jekyll’s solicitor and friend was also notable with his ‘pure’ soft singing voice.
As for the rest of the cast, far too numerous to name, they all did their job to a ‘T’ – a very tall one. Nice to see Barrie treading the boards again before her death along with my friend Rick Glass – I actually cheered out loud then!
As for the set changes. They were slick and with the bridge design that made everything work so well. Great job set designers Teri and Leslie Bergstrom.
The scrim and backlighting being used made for some great affects. I loved the different colours of the bottles and even the drinks.
The costumes were just perfect.
Musicians – wonderful to have a live orchestra and no note out of place (Richard de Lacy will laugh at me for that). Well done Chuck and Barrie and it was great to hear some of the songs on the CD being used that didn’t make it to the Broadway and even Houston productions. Both Dody and I thought they were better than the ones that replaced them. I was VERY pleased at that.
Some people might not know but there are a lot of different versions of the show. You picked the best Chuck and Teri – you really did.
Sheree Ebanks – I shouldn’t have worried about this production with you in charge. You are incredible.
I know the hard work that goes on to get any show to the opening night – everyone involved in this one in particular is to be congratulated. Well done. I mustn’t forget the lighting and sound that were A1 and the show had a master in Jimmie DeLoach with his special effects.
PLEASE do NOT MISS this show. You need to book now as I am sure every night will be sold out quickly.
Oh. Didn’t I tell you what the story is about? It could be about you……
Jekyll & Hyde – the Gothic musical thriller – plays at The Prospect Playhouse Red Bay, Thursday, Friday, Saturdays Sept 18th to Oct 11th 2014 Curtain – 7:30 pm prompt.
Tickets $25 Students $15. Available online at Email: [email protected]
Tel: 938-1998.
Presented by Cayman Drama Society.
GREAT review for a great show! Makes me wish I could be there to experience it. Kudos to the whole cast and supporting crew, directors and producers.
I couldn’t agree more.”DO NOT MISS” this show. Fantastic night out: slick and sexy, visually fascinating and a treat to hear too.