The Editor Speaks: Duped?
Whilst I can accept his call, along with his other colleagues, to support Bush’s call for an enquiry into the matter, I cannot understand why he is not similarly outraged at Bush’s gambling addiction and his lying.
Former Cabinet Minister Cline Glidden said they would have changed their decision to declare a lack of confidence if they had known Bush had repaid some of the money owed to Cayman’s public from his gambling, So now both of them are saying the former premier’s actions of gambling and lying about it, not only to his colleagues but to the public were OK.
Gambling with our money. Money trusted to him. To be used for legitimate public business.
If you can condone that you are duped.
Maybe there is a hidden agenda here by Anglin and Glidden.
They may be thinking their only hope to get back to becoming an elected member of the legislative is to hang on tightly to the coat tails of their former leader.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
What former governor Duncan Taylor did was wrong, even if his motives can be interpreted as being in the interest of this country but especially the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
What Bush did was wrong however you look at it.
Any addiction is like a disease and has been likened to mental illness. Experts say it is important to recognize the cause of any kind of addiction is not simply a search for pleasure and addiction has nothing to do with one’s morality or strength of character. A premier of a country who has a gambling addiction is a headache to his country. To a small country like ours it is a huge migraine.
When the premier is also the financial leader with a government credit card in his pocket it magnifies the problem threefold. When that leader does not admit he has this addiction and lies about it to try and cover his tracks the magnification is now five times.
When the premier’s colleagues know about it and do nothing, say nothing and still support it they are most certainly part of the problem too.
Anglin should have been grateful Bush was removed and the government credit card in his pocket that was burning a hole in his pocket was a temptation also removed. It could have cost all of us a lot of money. What if Bush hadn’t been in a position to pay it back?
An alcoholic walking into a bar, for instance, will feel an extra pull to have a drink. A man with a gambling addiction and with a means of spending other people’s monies, who walks into a hotel with slot machines, will most certainly have a huge tug.
The ex premier knew he was doing wrong and that was why he lied.
If you believe anything else, Mr. Anglin, you really are being duped.