iNews Briefs
Man pleads guilty of theft at Cayman Islands gas station (stealing a drink)
Logan Bodden (41), pleaded guilty to stealing a drink from Delworth’s Esso Gas Station Friday (14) located on Eastern Avenue in George Town, Grand Cayman on 8th April this year. He had earlier also been charged with robbing an 82 year old man of 82 cents but the charge was dropped after he pleaded ‘Not guilty’ to it.
The Crown accepted his plea and his sentencing was set for next January.
Norovirus Sickens 172 on Princess Cruises Ship, CDC Says
By Tim Higgins From Bloomberg
More than 170 people have become sick with vomiting and diarrhea from norovirus aboard a Princess Cruises ship, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
The 158 passengers and 14 crew members who became sick were aboard the company’s Crown Princess, which sailed Oct. 18 through today, according to the CDC’s website. The ship has 3,009 passengers and 1,160 crew members, the agency said.
“We have enacted our stringent disinfecting protocols developed in conjunction with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which includes an extensive deep cleaning of the ship and the terminal in Los Angeles on Sunday before the ship embarks on its next voyage,” Susan Lomax, a spokeswoman for Carnival Corp.’s Princess Cruises, said today in an e-mail.
The 28-day cruise from Los Angeles sailed to Hawaii and Tahiti, she said.
A CDC officer is slated to board the ship in the Los Angeles area today to conduct an environmental health assessment and evaluate the outbreak, the CDC said. NBC News earlier reported the outbreak.
The Holy Empire of Cayman Icecubes
From Nation States
Location: the Pacific
The Holy Empire of Cayman Icecubes is a fledgling, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its strong anti-business policies. The compassionate, cynical population of 5 million Cayman Icecubesians are ruled with an iron fist by the socialist government, which grants its people the freedom to do whatever they like so long as it doesn’t involve getting richer than anybody else or challenging the government.
It is difficult to tell where the omnipresent, liberal, socially-minded government stops and the rest of society begins, but it is mainly concerned with Religion & Spirituality, although Social Welfare and Law & Order are on the agenda. The average income tax rate is 47%, but much higher for the wealthy. Private enterprise is illegal, but for those in the know there is a slick and highly efficient black market in Woodchip Exports.
Crime is moderate, probably because of the country’s utter lack of prisons. Cayman Icecubes’s national animal is the Birds, which soars majestically through the nation’s famously clear skies, and its currency is the Juices.
Category: Iron Fist Socialists. Civil Rights: Excessive. Economy: Fragile.
Political Freedoms: Few.
For more:
EDITOR: I suspect any association with the Cayman Islands in the Caribbean is purely imaginary???
NYT: Buffett uses tax dodges as he calls for tax increases on wealthy
By Dan Weil From Newsmax
Warren Buffett has been a staunch advocate for higher taxes on the wealthy for some time, but he sings a different tune when it comes to his Berkshire Hathaway.
The company agreed to buy Duracell battery from its owner Procter & Gamble for approximately $4.7 billion Thursday. Berkshire will use its own P&G shares to pay for the purchase.
That allows Buffett to unload his shares of P&G, which has struggled for the past few years, without incurring a massive capital-gains tax bill.
“It’s a brilliant financial deal,” Buffett biographer Andrew Kilpatrick told Bloomberg. “He’s getting a tremendous deal, tax-wise.”
Berkshire paid approximately $336 million for its P&G holdings, now worth about $4.7 billion. The tax bill might have totaled more than $1 billion if Buffett sold the shares in the open market, according to The New York Times.
The structure of the Duracell deal is known as a “cash-rich split-off,” which benefits P&G too. Such a transaction allows businesses to be sold using stock without taking a big tax hit.
An IRS decision that the transaction doesn’t generate taxes should be “eminently achievable,” Robert Willens, an independent corporate tax adviser, told The Times.
As for Buffett, he may have been the most important supporter of President Obama’s attempts to raise taxes on the wealthy since he took office in 2009. Obama called one of his tax hike proposals “the Buffett Rule.”
The Oracle of Omaha has repeatedly mentioned that his secretary pays taxes at a higher rate than he does.
The Duracell deal wasn’t the only tax-advantaged transaction for Berkshire this year. Others include its purchase of lubricant maker Phillips Specialty Products, a Miami TV station and Burger King.
Buffett has shrugged off the idea that he’s a hypocrite on taxes. “I will not pay a dime more of individual taxes than I owe, and I won’t pay a dime more of corporate taxes than we owe,” he told Fortune magazine.
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Loud Music – Windsor Park Community Park in Cayman Islands
Over a period of time, the recreational community park in Windsor Park, George Town, Grand Cayman has been plagued by small groups of young patrons playing loud music, much too loud and to the annoyance of the residents of that community.
This behavior and abuse of the park rules has been prevalent on weekends and in order to tackle this anti-social behavior another way, Royal Cayman Islands Police Service teamed up with the Manager of the Parks and Cemetery Unit, Mr. Mark Bothwell to install a ‘No Loud Music’ sign.
Senior Police Constable Fran General of RCIPS Neighbourhood Police Department (in picture – attached) reminds patrons of any public park, to use them to their enjoyment but noise pollution is in breach of the Town and Community Laws. The penalty for failing to desist such noise in certain circumstances carries a penalty on summary conviction to a fine of $500 for a first conviction.
Former pediatrician who appeared on ‘Oprah’ convicted of waterboarding
By Erin Fuchs From Business Insider
A former pediatrician who has written several books on near-death experiences in kids has been convicted of waterboarding his girlfriend’s daughter, the Associated Press reports.
Melvin Morse, 60, was convicted of a felony for waterboarding the 11-year-old in the bathtub, which the girl and her mother said he used as a threat and punishment, according to the AP.
Watherboarding is meant to make people feel like they’re drowning while water is poured into their nose and mouth. People who have experienced it call it a form of torture. Morse could go to prison for several years because of the conviction.
Morse’s medical license was suspended after his arrest. He’s been on “Larry King Live” and “Oprah” to talk about his research into paranormal science and near-death experiences, according to the AP.
After his arrest, police speculated that he may have been experimenting on the 11-year-old because of his research interests in near-death experiences, the AP reported in 2012.
Morse told the AP in an interview that the charges were an overreaction, and his defense has said the term “waterboarding” was a joke he used for a hair-washing technique the girl didn’t like.
Morse had a successful career as a pediatrician. He once worked for Seattle Children’s Hospital, and Seattle Magazine named him one of the city’s best doctors for a decade, the AP noted.
In his “Oprah” interview, which can be viewed here, Morse discussed how many children who have had near-death experiences have what he called “guardian angels.”
Morse says he contracted Hepatitis C in 1998 from working with children at the hospital, at which point things appeared to go downhill for him. By 2007, the AP reported, he had retired from working as a full-time doctor and owed tens in thousands of dollars in taxes.
For more:
Campino: Merkel ‘apologised for misusing song’
German singer Campino (L) and Sir Bob Geldof (R) pose in Berlin, Germany on 13 November 2014
Campino (L), pictured here with Sir Bob Geldof, said he was both touched and horrified by the call
German rock star Campino says he was shocked after Chancellor Angela Merkel apologised for playing one of his songs at her re-election party last year.
In his autobiography, extracts of which were published in Der Spiegel, the frontman of Die Toten Hosen said he was touched by the call.
But Campino added that he was horrified she “didn’t have anything else to do”.
He had previously said he did want politicians to use the song, Days Like These.
Mrs Merkel called Campino, whose real name is Andreas Frege, four days after her re-election, and said her Christian Democrat Party (CDU) had “trampled all over [his] song on election night”.
The chancellor supposedly promised that Days Like These was “not going to be the next CDU anthem”.
Fans had reacted angrily to her use of the song.
However, Mrs Merkel said that while Campino had asked for it not to be used at political rallies, he had never objected to the song being played at “victory celebrations”.
For more:
Antigua-Barbuda to work with Jamaica to increase shipping revenue
By Peta-Gay Hodges From Caribbean News Now
KINGSTON, Jamaica (JIS) — Prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne, says his country will collaborate with the government of Jamaica to increase the Caribbean region’s market share of the lucrative global shipping industry, through ship registration services.
Browne pointed out that, although the Maritime Authority of Jamaica’s (MAJ’s) counterpart agency in Antigua was contributing in a significant way to that country’s treasury, through ship registration, he would like to see the contribution increase exponentially and as such, collaboration with other Caribbean territories would be explored.
“I am quite sure we can continue to co-ordinate our efforts and I’m sure that there are many opportunities to be exploited for our mutual benefit,” he said.
The prime minister was speaking during a visit to the offices of the MAJ on November 13, ahead of delivering the keynote address at the Caribbean Maritime Institute’s graduation ceremony at the Jamaica Conference Centre.
Meanwhile, director general of the MAJ, Rear Admiral Peter Brady, said Jamaica looks to Antigua and Barbuda for expertise in ship registration, as that country currently holds the number two position in the Caribbean behind the Bahamas.
It was further explained that under the Maritime Authority’s developmental mandate, the ship registry is to be used as a means of generating income for the economy.
Jamaica currently has 145 international vessels on the register and 833 domestic vessels.
The top three Caribbean registers are included among the top 35 in the world. They are The Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda and St Vincent and the Grenadines. With that distinction, however, the Caribbean region collectively accounts for just six percent of the global fleet.
Stephen Hawking warns over making contact with aliens
From BBC
Mr Hawking says it is ‘perfectly rational’ to believe in aliens
Aliens almost certainly exist but humans should avoid making contact, Professor Stephen Hawking has warned.
In a series for the Discovery Channel the renowned astrophysicist said it was “perfectly rational” to assume intelligent life exists elsewhere.
But he warned that aliens might simply raid Earth for resources, then move on.
“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans,” he said.
Prof Hawking thinks that, rather than actively trying to communicate with extra-terrestrials, humans should do everything possible to avoid contact.
He explained: “We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet.”
In the past, probes have been sent into space with engravings of human beings on board and diagrams showing the location of our planet.
Radio beams have been fired into space in the hope of reaching alien civilisations.
Prof Hawking said: “To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational.
“The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like.”
The programme envisages numerous alien species including two-legged herbivores and yellow, lizard-like predators.
But Prof Hawking conceded most life elsewhere in the universe is likely to consist of simple microbes.
In the recent BBC series Wonders of the Solar System, Professor Brian Cox, a physicist from the University of Manchester, also suggested life may exist elsewhere within our solar system.
He said organisms could be present under the ice sheet that envelops Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons.
Professor Cox added: “Closer to home, the evidence that life could exist on Mars is growing.
“We will only know for sure when the next generation of spacecraft, fine-tuned to search for life, are launched to the moons of Jupiter and the arid plains of Mars in the coming decades.”
For more:
Demand for new aircraft in Latin America and Caribbean to reach 2,300 by 2033, says Airbus
From aerospace-technology
A report by Airbus has forecast that the Latin America and Caribbean regions will require around 2,300 new airliners by 2033, driven by strong economy and expected air traffic growth.
Airbus’s latest Global Market Forecast (GMF) predicts that the total value of new aeroplanes would be around $292bn.
The regions will require 1,784 single-aisle, 481 twin-aisle and 29 very large aircraft. Around 40% of Latin America’s top 20 cities connect passengers with at least one flight per day.
While North Americans and Europeans currently take 1.6 and one trips per capita respectively, passengers in Latin America and Caribbean are estimated to travel twice compared with Europeans, the report stated.
“We are finally seeing Latin America carriers reposition themselves to capture international traffic.”
Airbus Latin American and the Caribbean president Rafael Alonso said: “In regards to long-haul market, while the top European and North American airlines carry nearly 40% of the traffic, the top airlines of Latin American and the Caribbean only carry 19%, foregoing valuable revenue to foreign competitors.
“This year, we are finally seeing Latin America carriers reposition themselves to capture international traffic, but huge potential remains for regional airlines to increase their market share on long-haul routes.
“We are also seeing an increase in the region’s average aircraft size, a trend that validates our innovation investments to develop aircraft such as the A321 and the A350 XWB.”
Latin American airlines will continue to revamp their fleets, and currently operate aircraft with an average age of 9.5 years, while those in the Caribbean have an average aircraft age of 15 years, according to the GMF.
In Latin America and the Caribbean, Airbus has to date sold more than 800 airliners and has a backlog of more than 550.
Caribbean models make “The Hot List”
This is not surprising. There is a wealth of Caribbean, models who have attained the “international supermodel” status, working with the most famous fashion houses worldwide. This time, Saint International model Kai Newman (above), from Jamaica, has made the coveted’s “The Hot List.” Another Caribbean model who made the list is Ysaunny Brito (below) from the Dominican Republic.
Here are excerpts of an article on Kai Newman below:
“Newman is referenced as “a stunning Jamaican beauty with presence on and off the runway — a photographer’s dream and a designer’s too. Campaign work for Tommy Hilfiger and Kenneth Cole cement her mass appeal, while recurring appearances for Lanvin, Hermes and Isabel Marant show how much fashion loves Kai”.
“CEO Saint International Dewight Peters whose leggy belles have had quite an extraordinary year walking the runways from New York to Paris and wearing major labels was delighted with the news. “Our models are proud ambassadors of their beloved country and continue to work hard — giving of their best, in what is undoubtedly a super competitive industry,” said Peters.”
For ranking, see
For original article, see
For more on Ysaunny Brito, see
For more on this story go to:
Jamaica to receive World Bank funds to help in crime fight
From Caribbean360
The Washington-based financial institution said the new project is a continuation of the partnership between the Jamaica government and the World Bank on upgrading some of the country’s most vulnerable and volatile communities.
WASHINGTON D.C., United States, CMC – The World Bank says more than 80,000 Jamaican citizens will benefit from improved services, basic infrastructure and targeted crime and violence interventions in 18 vulnerable inner-city communities as a result of a US$42 million project for integrated community development.
The Washington-based financial institution said the new project is a continuation of the partnership between the Jamaica government and the World Bank on upgrading some of the country’s most vulnerable and volatile communities.
It said the project builds on the success of the “Inner City Basic Services for the Poor Project” to address accelerating urban decay and declining citizen security.
“The project aims to foster a more inclusive society in Jamaica by improving the quality of life of marginalized city dwellers,” said Sophie Sirtaine, World Bank country director for the Caribbean.
“It also aims to prevent crime and violence by engaging youth in public safety initiatives and providing them with job skills training,” she added.
As a result of the funding, Sirtaine said more than 50,000 people will benefit from improved solid waste management services, street lighting, paved roads and drainage.
She said residents in the 18 communities would “feel safer” and that 1200 families will have their piped water connection repaired and 4,500 residents receiving educational and skills training.
“As we strive to advance the targets of the Vision 2030, where access to reliable services and adequate infrastructure is the norm, enhancing community safety and security is a priority,” said Scarlette Gillings, managing director of the Jamaica Social Investment Fund.
“And these communities are places of choice to live, work, raise families and do business,” she added.
In the Kingston Metropolitan Area, the World Bank said poverty has doubled in two years from seven per cent in 2008 to more than 14 per cent in 2010.
It also said youth unemployment is on the rise, with more than 50 per cent of young people unemployed, adding that homicides and other violent crimes rates are among “the highest in the Latin America and Caribbean region”.
Cusco, Peru receives help from World Bank in adapting to climate change
From Peru This Week
World Bank initiative will help the Cusco area deal with floods and landslides, both of which could be intensified by climate change.
The Andean city of Cusco in southern Peru has received assistance from the World Bank to strengthen local climate change adaptation planning.
The World Bank’s disaster risk management team in Latin America and the Caribbean recently piloted a regional study and technical assistance initiative in Cusco and other four small and medium sized cities (SMSC) in the region.
The initiative’s main objective was to support SMSC with their adaptation planning for floods and landslides, two of the most recurrent climate-related hazards in the region.
SMSC in the LAC region are diverse in location, topography and socio-economic and institutional make-up, yet many are struggling with similar challenges caused by rapid urban growth, weak capacities in urban planning and inadequate provision for public services and infrastructure.
SMSC are also less likely to have had access to climate change adaptation (CCA) training, financing or knowledge networks. The ultimate goal of the initiative was to strengthen local adaptive capacity and to increase urban resilience through mainstreaming climate change adaptation into current planning systems.
The other medium sized cities selected were Castries, Saint Lucia; El Progreso, Honduras; Estelí, Nicaragua; and Santos, Brazil.
Over the course of one and a half years, the task team worked with these cities to conduct three assessments to evaluate their i) climate related risks, ii) institutional adaptive capacities, and iii) socio-economic capacities to adapt to climate change.
These assessments, in conjunction with a series of consultative workshops with city planners and decision-makers, resulted in the development of Strategic Climate Adaptation Investment and Institutional Strengthening Plans for each city. These plans identify priority investments and activities to strengthen institutional capacities for climate change adaptation.
Proven again to be the best IVF clinic in the Caribbean
Barbados Fertility Centre (BFC) has AGAIN been awarded the Gold Seal of approval from the Joint Commission International, after continuing to excel in the highest standards of patient care. This is the third time that BFC has achieved this prestigious award!
Joint Commission International (JCI) is the US health facility accreditation programme that set stringent health care standards across the world, to give patients assurance that medical establishments have undergone vigorous testing so that patients can rest assured in the high standard of treatment they will receive.
BFC is now listed under the very elite group of clinics worldwide because they have such high standards of patient care. This is excellent news for the Caribbean as BFC continues to boost medical tourism and maintains their position as the leading Medical Tourism facility for Barbados. With the JCI gold seal, this assures patients that the quality of care they will receive when deciding on BFC for IVF treatment is world-class and simply the best patient care they can receive anywhere in the world.
The accreditation process is considered by BFC to be essential in improving the quality of care given to patients, and that by investing in new and improved quality measurement systems, resources and staff training they are providing the best treatment for continued high success rates in IVF cycles. These quality standards also ensure continuous improvement with the continual monitoring. With this constant improvement, BFC pledges their commitment to remain current in every possible area that could improve the service they offer to both the Barbadian public and to the world.
Since opening in 2002, they have year on year increased the number of couples conceiving through the creation of a stress reduced environment for couples under going IVF treatment.
BFC is one of the first IVF units in the world to offer a combination of medical tradition and a holistic approach by treating couples both mentally and physically at their on-site wellness centre – The Life Wellness Centre.
Couples who choose to undergo the Healthy Mind and Body programme can benefit from massage, reflexology, acupuncture, nutrition advice and counselling to cope with the whole IVF procedure. BFC believes that their approach of allowing couples to de-stress whilst undergoing treatment is why they are so successful. All of this combined with accreditation to ensure the quality of patient care, can only mean constant improvement in the service that they provide.