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Cayman Islands: Best management practices for water resource protection

septic-tanksFrom Water Authority-Cayman

Septic Tank Systems

A septic tank system serves as an on- site system to treat and dispose of domestic wastewater. In the Cayman Islands, a septic system is made up of a structurally sound, two compartment watertight tank discharging to a dis- posal well (a drilled borehole with a grouted casing below which the liquid waste drains).

Sewage enters the tank through a pipe from the building. The tank is sized to hold the wastewater for 36 to 48 hours. This time allows the wastewater to separate: most of the solids settle to the bottom, forming a sludge layer;
grease, fats and hair float to the top, forming a scum layer; between these two layers is the liquid effluent which flows to the disposal well.

Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 3.17.30 PMINSPECTION & MAINTENANCE

Routine inspection and maintenance are essential to the proper operation of a septic tank system. Inspections detect signs of failure, leaks, broken pipes or baffles and determine the extent of solids buildup in the tank. As sludge collects on the bottom and scum accumulates on the top, the effi- ciency of the system decreases.

As a rule of thumb, sludge and scum should be pumped out by a profes- sional at least every 3 years, or more frequently, depending on tank size, occupancy, water conservation, and use of garbage grinder.

Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 3.17.45 PMPermitted Septage Waste Haulers:
Entech Ltd.: 947-9253
Industrial Services: 949-7245
Massive Equipment 949-7990
Professional Waste Management:

Best Management Practices
Practice water conservation
Limit the use of a garbage grinder or disposal
Have the sludge and scum pumped out by a professional every 3 years
Know the location of your septic system and keep all covers accessible for inspection and maintenance
Keep a record of all inspections, pumping, and repairs
Check household products for suitability for use with a septic tank
Put fats and oils down the drain
Flush indigestible materials such as diapers, dental floss, cigarette filters, feminine napkins, plastic or rubber
Use excessive amounts of bleaches, disinfectants, or other harsh chemicals
Put solvents, paints, thinner, pesticides, etc. down the drain
Overload the system by scheduling several showers or loads of wash over a short period of time
Allow rainfall to flow into the system

For more information, contact us at: 345-94-WATER (949-2837) Ext 3031 or 3032 or email [email protected]
Watler & Hislop: 949-4880
PO Box 1104
Grand Cayman
Cayman Islands

Phone: 345-949-2837 (94-WATER) Fax: 345-949-0094
E-mail: [email protected]

The Water Authority was established in 1983 as a statutory body responsible for supplying wholesome and affordable drinking water to the people of the Cayman Islands. The Water Authority is also responsible for the proper treatment of wastewater and for the protection of the fresh groundwater lenses that exist throughout our islands.




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