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The Editor Speaks: Should MLA’s receive pensions when they have not retired?

Colin Wilsonweb2Elected officials in the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly are allowed to receive pensions after serving only one four year term. They are also allowed to receive this pension after the retirement age of 55.

Do they?
Oh yes.

However, they have had to contribute into the pension scheme.

How much?
And the pension plan also provides ongoing benefits to Members’ dependents.

And how much is the MLA’s salaries?
Member’s basic salary per annum (Elected Members, ie Govt Backbench and Opposition): CI$93,312
Cabinet Minister’s salary: CI$134,460
Leader of Government Business: US$168,075 (same as Cabinet Minister)
Leader of the Opposition: US$93,312 (same as Elected Member)
Speaker: CI$137,820
Deputy Speaker: CI$125,595
Clerk: CI$78,096

Are there any additional allowances?

Subsistence allowance:
Air Travel Allowance of Cl$1000 for Members representing Cayman Brae and Little Cayman
Housing allowance:
For Cayman Brae and Little Cayman Members: Cl$1250 and Cl$1000 per month.
The Speaker receives an annual motorcar upkeep allowance of CI$1500, together with a monthly entertainment allowance of Cl$75.
Constituency Office allowance: All Members may claim up to Cl$3,000 per month for:
Office Rental: up to Cl$I500 per month
Water: up to Cl$50 per month
Telephones: up to $150 per month
Electricity: up to $125 per month
Furniture and Equipment: up to $175 per month
Support (Clerical/Receptionist): up to $1000 per month

Travel allowances:
for overseas travel: Airfares (business class),hotel, food and subsistence

Do Members have access to free medical facilities? YES
Are Members covered under a medical plan? YES the Government plan

The argument given by the MLA’s who are receiving pensions but still working is it is something they have earned and they are entitled to receive it and so they do.

To be fair some of the MLA’s receiving this has voluntarily not accepted all of it. But most of it – 80%.

The pensions they get are two-thirds of their annual salary!

There is a strong case being made now to free up jobs for school leavers, especially in the civil service by not paying out pensions if you want to carry on working.

Augustus Caesar, in 13 B.C., worried that retired soldiers might rise up against the empire. So he came up with a clever solution: after twenty years in a legion and five years in the military reserves, a soldier would earn, in a lump sum, a pension that worked out to about thirteen times a legionnaire’s annual salary. Pay the veterans off, the reasoning went, and they’ll be less inclined to overthrow you.

A pension was only given if you did not carry on working!

The source for the above came from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Survey of remuneration paid to Members of the Parliaments and Legislatures of the Commonwealth, 2004-2005.

It is about time then for MLA’s to receive a rise!!!!

Don’t you feel sorry for them?

And it explains to some degree why they have to still work past the ripe old age of 55 and draw their pension they are entitled to as well.


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