Just how evil is evil that?
There are 61 persons owning 150 plots of farmland, they had their land taken from them for the Argyle International Airport. To date they remain unpaid and many have died waiting, unable to afford medical attention that may have saved them if they had been paid some 8 years ago. People have died unable to pay for their own funerals, unable to provide for their loved ones who they leave behind. Just how evil is that?
Some have been unable to send children and grandchildren to school and some have been unable to provide food for the families. Unable to cloth themselves and unable to cloth their dependents. At least one has had a leg off because of diabetes, a leg that could have been saved if the Cuban foot ulcer cure Heperprot P had been available in SVG as was promised several years ago by the government. Instead they have waited several years to release it prior to the upcoming election. In fact there are dozens if not hundreds of amputees that could have been saved the chop. Just how evil is that?
Besides the land owners there were people who earned a living from that land, the only form of living that they had. With farm laborers’ and operators of the land, that land supported not just 61 people, it supported hundreds. Money earned from the land was spent in local bars and grocers shops in Kingstown and elsewhere. Hundreds of people have been affected and those hundreds of people would pass on the affects to thousands of Vincentians, because money goes around by being spent. Just how evil is that?
The land owners should have been paid before the land was snatched from them, or given other farm land locally to carry on their trade. Instead the land was grabbed from them with a worthless promise, which proved to be an empty promise. Just how evil is that?
I believe the airport project was started as a family dynasty project, one the dynasty could point to as a family achievement. It was never a national project; it was always a project where the finances were kept out of public view, when it all went wrong they poked it in as a public project. Yet still there is no public oversight of where the money came from or where it has gone to, it is not open to official scrutiny or audit. Just how evil is that?
It’s like Bigger Bigs having his business destroyed, then an announcement that they had made a mistake and gave him back his license to operate. But 60 people lost their jobs which affected thousands of Vincentians. Yet they have never compensated him or put him back into operation. Hundreds of people are still affected by the loss of this business, because money goes around by being spent. Just how evil is that?
We were told there was a coalition of the willing building and paying for the airport, that turned out to be untrue. We were told that the Venezuelans were paying for the Cubans wages, that turned out to be untrue. We were told the Hospital at Georgetown being built by the Cubans was a three year project, it’s actually going to be a ten year project, so that also turned out to be untrue. We were told that the Argyle Airport was a three year project but will now as we can all see will take ten years that also was an untruth. During all these years of overrun we keep paying the Cubans wages, they are laughing all the way to the bank. Just how evil is that?
Many Vincentians in the Diaspora support this behavior by giving money, perhaps out of selfishness and greed. Just how evil is that?
They dynasty call it solidarity, just how evil is that?
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IMAGE: www.doctorcuba.com