The Editor Speaks: Criminal Blackmail
The following is a very short part of an Editorial I had written today for publication. However, I have been advised by my lawyer not to publish it in its entirety until he has taken a long hard look at it.
As a member of the RCIPS, via a complaint, has accused me of Criminal Blackmail made by a member of the public via his lawyer I have to take his advice.
I will therefore only today publish the start:
To blackmail someone is one of the lowest crimes in my book.
The legal definition of blackmail according to the Farlex Free Dictionary website is:
“The crime involving a threat for purposes of compelling a person to do an act against his or her will, or for purposes of taking the person’s money or property.
“The term blackmail originally denoted a payment made by English persons residing along the border of Scotland to influential Scottish chieftains in exchange for protection from thieves and marauders.
“In blackmail the threat might consist of physical injury to the threatened person or to someone loved by that person, or injury to a person’s reputation. In some cases the victim is told that an illegal act he or she had previously committed will be exposed if the victim fails to comply with the demand.
“Although blackmail is generally synonymous with Extortion, some [US] states distinguish the offenses by requiring that the former be in writing.
“Blackmail is punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both.”
When I eventually found out what it was all about I climbed one wall, across the ceiling and down the opposite wall. I was so angry it took a number of minutes to calm down and recover my wits to be able to talk rationally to the police officer at the other end of the telephone. Three times I was asked by the officer, to come down to the police station and meet with him and the complainant. I refused. They would have to come to my place of abode and arrest me.
I can assure you the rest of the Editorial is much more interesting and hopefully I will get the OK to publish it in full.
I want to. Oh, how I want to.
Watch this space.