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Cqs Cayman Lp increased Ryanair Hldgs Plc (NASDAQ:RYAAY) by $23.69 Million as shares rose

RyanairBy Casey Mccarthy From Financial Magazine

Michael Hintze increased its stake in Ryanair Hldgs Plc (NASDAQ:RYAAY) by 84.75% based on its latest Q3 2015 regulatory filing with the SEC. Cqs Cayman Lp bought 303,730 shares as the company’s stock rose 8.01% while stock markets declined. The hedge fund run by Michael Hintze held 662,110 shares of the air freight and delivery services company at the end of Q3, valued at $51.76M, up from 358,380 at the end of the previous reported quarter. Cqs Cayman Lp who had been investing in Ryanair Hldgs Plc since many months, is probably bullish the $19.87B market cap company. The stock increased 0.66% or $0.51 on November 27, hitting $77.6. About 340,399 shares traded hands. Ryanair Holdings plc (ADR) (NASDAQ:RYAAY) has risen 16.69% since April 27, 2015 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 17.58% the S&P500.

Cqs Cayman Lp, which manages about $1.20 billion US Long portfolio, decreased its stake in Nvidia Corp (NASDAQ:NVDA) by 657,000 shares to 43,000 shares, valued at $1.06 million in Q3, according to the filing. It also reduced its holding in Discovery Communicatns New (NASDAQ:DISCK) by 1.94M shares in the quarter, leaving it with 562,752 shares, and cut its stake in Lennar Corp (NYSE:LEN).

CQS LP has small outlets located in the Channel Islands, Switzerland, and the Cayman Islands. The two main offices, however, are in London and Hong Kong.

Cqs Cayman Lp Increased Ryanair Hldgs Plc (NASDAQ:RYAAY) by $23.69 Million as Shares Rose

Get a free copy of the Zacks research report on Ryanair Holdings plc (ADR) (RYAAY)

zOut of 5 analysts covering Ryanair Hldgs (NASDAQ:RYAAY), 3 rate it “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 2 “Hold”. This means 60% are positive. Ryanair Hldgs was the topic in 5 analyst reports since August 10, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Raymond James upgraded the stock on November 3 to “Outperform” rating.

Ryanair Holdings plc is a holding firm for Ryanair Limited (Ryanair). The company has a market cap of $19.87 billion. Ryanair operates a low fare, scheduled-passenger airline serving short-haul, point-to-point routes between Ireland, the United Kingdom, Continental Europe and Morocco. It has 13.48 P/E ratio. The Company’s principal fleet consists of Boeing 737-800 aircraft, each having 189 seats.

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