Consumer Protection Legislation submitted in Cayman Islands
Consumer Protection Legislation
Consultation Extension to 3rd June, 2016
The Cayman Islands Law Reform Commission submits for stakeholder and public comment a Discussion Paper entitled “Consumer Protection: Entrenching Consumer Supremacy in Cayman Islands Legislation”.
In the Paper, several issues are examined and proposals made in relation to the introduction of consumer protection legislation. These proposals aim to safeguard the interests of the consumer in matters relating to the supply of goods and services while seeking to avoid the imposition of additional burdens on reputable business enterprises.
Accordingly, stakeholders and members of the general public are invited to make submissions on the issues and proposals identified in the Discussion Paper.
The Paper may be viewed on the following website: Submissions should be forwarded in writing by post or hand no later than 3rd June, 2016 to the Director of the Law Reform Commission, 4th Floor, Government Administration Building, Portfolio of Legal Affairs, 133 Elgin Avenue, George Town, Grand Cayman, P.O. Box 136, Grand Cayman KY1-9000 or emailed to [email protected]