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Baking soda molasses protocol may cure many cancers

screen-shot-2016-11-05-at-3-21-54-pmFrom PreventDiseases

One man claims he has found a cure for cancer and actually successfully treated his own by using baking soda.

Vernon Johnston was diagnosed with stage IV aggressive prostate cancer which metastasized to his bones. He initially turned to Cesium, but ended up using a baking soda molasses protocol as a natural cure which eliminated his cancer and has worked for hundreds of others.

Johnston says “it is very important for those of us who have done or are doing this [baking soda cancer cure] that we focus on an Alkaline Diet. At the very least, for those of us who are recovering I suggest a diet of at least 80% Alkaline and 20% Acidic…”


1) Buy Arm & Hammer Baking Soda OR Bob’s Red Mill Aluminum Free Baking Soda. (Arm & Hammer is supposedly aluminum free also. Arm & Hammer was used in this protocol.)

2) Buy Black Strap molasses OR Organic Maple syrup, Grade B.

3) Buy pH test strips; strips don’t run and are easy to use. Litmus paper may also be used along with the strips.

4) Buy a good brand of potassium.

5) Mix 1 teaspoon baking soda & 1 teaspoon molasses/syrup in 1 cup water.

(May be warmed in a pan for dissolving, but this isn’t required; room temperature is fine. If you heat it, heat on low. Heat the water and baking soda together, turn off heat, and then add the molasses or syrup. Don’t use a microwave!)

6) Drink this solution once a day for 5 days.

(Always drink the solution 2 hours before or after a meal.)

7) Test your pH often; both your saliva and your urine.

(The pH must be brought to the normal/alkaline level which is 7.2 – 7.5. This level should cause cancer cells to go dormant; and a level of 8.0 – 8.5 should kill them; and so it is advisable to bring your pH level to 8.0 – 8.5 for 4 to 5 days ONLY, and then lower again to normal.)

8) On day 6, mix 2 teaspoons baking soda & 2 teaspoons molasses/syrup in 1 cup water; drink twice a day. Continue this formula through day 7.

(You may begin to feel a little nauseous or queasy, and your stool may become yellowish. This is expected. Something good is happening in your body – something bad to the cancer. Also, your lips may tingle and you may get Oxygen Euphoria and even a slight headache. This is expected and may eventually lessen.)

9) On day 8, drink the mixture 3 times a day through day 11.

(You may get some diarrhea and feel a little weak. This is expected. But taking potassium daily while on this BAKING SODA CURE should lessen your loss of energy. You should take a high dosage of potassium daily with this cure. On day 9 or 10 of this dosage, you may get night sweats. This is expected. What you are doing right now is getting your pH to 8.0 – 8.5 and (more or less) holding that for a few days. If you feel the side effects are too strong, you may always go back to taking the mixture twice a day, and when the symptoms lessen, go back to 3 times a day. Experimentation is fine – listen to your body; it will tell you when to back off.)

10) On day 12, if you believe you’re cured, you can stop taking the BAKING SODA CURE. But if you think you ever need a “tune-up” for cancer at any time, repeat all the above steps. If you’re cancer free, it is advisable to use 2 teaspoons baking soda and only one teaspoon molasses/syrup in 1 cup of water once or twice daily for 7 days: i.e., if you’re only trying to raise your pH to the alkaline range of 7.2 – 7.5.


For more on this story and video go to:

EDITOR: See following article that debunks the above. I leave it to you to decide

Bicarbonate Maple Syrup – Another Wacky Cancer “Cure”

By Michael Edmonds From Sciblogs

We’ve seen them before – weird, wacky and sometimes dangerous procedures purported to treat cancer and other diseases – miracle mineral solution , coffee enemas, positive thinking, laetrile to name but a few.

Over at Respectful Insolence, Orac reveals a new one – Bicarbonate Maple Syrup.

The Bicarbonate Maple Syrup treatment merges two ideas:

1) That cancer cells have a strong appetite for glucose

2) That disease/cancer comes from the body/cells being too acidic.

While the first idea is supported by science (here), the second is a myth that has been circulated for decades. Combined together, they create a treatment that is just plain wacky.

The treatment calls for patients to brew up a mixture of bicarbonate of soda with maple syrup [or molasses] and then to take sips of it throughout the day. The principle behind this is that the glucose in maple syrup will carry the bicarbonate into the glucose-hungry cancer cells and kill them.

So what is wrong with this process?

First, maple syrup consists largely of sucrose not glucose. Sucrose, of course, is digested in the body to produce glucose, however, this very process will also neutralise the bicarbonate of soda. Anyone who has used bicarbonate of soda to counter acid reflux knows very clearly from the carbon dioxide it produces that stomach acids effectively neutralised swallowed bicarbonate.

Indeed, this procedure like many others completely ignores the fact that substances taken orally first have to transit our digestive system, then our circulatory system to get anywhere near most cancer cells. And any substance transiting these systems will undergo a series of changes – certainly the chances of the bicarbonate and maple syrup getting to cancer cells intact is highly unlikely.

The other thing that puzzles me is that do the people promoting these “treatments” actually think that if they did work, that scientists wouldn’t have investigated and perfected them decades ago? Most of those involved in cancer research would love to find a simple and effective treatment, however, history has shown that the treatment of cancer is challenging. Even so, the treatments that are being developed are getting better and better every year.

Maple syrup and bicarbonate of soda do not make sense as a cancer treatment. Though if heated together long enough I wonder if they might form a Canadian equivalent of hokey pokey?

For more on this story go to:


The baking soda and molasses cure

Though there are reports of people beating cancer with a combination of baking soda and molasses (or maple syrup), the question is why is molasses or maple syrup needed? The answer usually given is that sugar-loving cancer cells are tricked into taking in the baking soda when they gobble up the molasses or maple syrup.

However, it is impossible to keep a combination of baking soda and molasses/maple syrup intact once it enters the digestive system. Even if the digestive system somehow failed to break the combination down, such a combination would be far too large to enter the bloodstream.

While it can be dicey, baking soda can be used to help defeat some cancers. However, there is no logical reason to include molasses or maple syrup – especially since cancer feeds on sugar.

It is probably worth noting that the man most often cited as an example of beating cancer with a baking soda and molasses combo also incorporated a healthy diet and breathing exercises as part of his protocol.

For more on this story go to:

Baking soda on it own would seem to be a better bet see below:

Can Baking Soda Cure Cancer?

Jolynne Hudnell, Yahoo! Contributor Network

There are several sites on the internet that claim baking soda, usually mixed with another ingredient, can cure cancer. Many of these claims even have a “personal experience” story to allegedly back up those claims. Can baking soda cure cancer?

Dr. Tullio Simoncini is known for treating cancer with baking soda injected directly into the cancerous area. He believes that cancers grow in a yeast environment and that baking soda kills this yeast so cancer cells die.

Others take a broader approach and just take baking soda orally, usually with another ingredient, such as maple syrup or molasses.

According to an article on Natural News, a man treated late stage prostate cancer himself by using baking soda with molasses as well as eating a nutritious diet and using special breathing exercises. The point was to raise the alkaline level in his body and to increase oxygen to kill cancer cells. According to the article, this treatment worked.

Since cancer cells use sugars to thrive, mixing the baking soda with maple syrup, or molasses, is intended to get the baking soda directly to the cancer. I don’t understand how the baking soda would know to stay with the sugar once it enters the body, but if they say so.

But according to Health Central, taking too much baking soda can actually cause an overdose. Symptoms can be as severe as to include muscle spasms and convulsions. According to Cancer Treatment Watch, the injected treatment promoted by Dr. Simoncini is not only ineffective, but it is dangerous as well.

Why would anyone take baking soda to cure cancer? Many people cannot afford expensive cancer treatment or lose hope after all traditional methods of cancer treatment have been exhausted.

Baking soda in small amounts is for the most part a safe, natural remedy. But care should be taken not to overdo because of the potential for overdose. Also, be sure to check with your physician before trying any home remedies to cure any disease, even cancer. You want to be sure there will be no reactions especially if you are undergoing other medical treatments at the same time.

For more on this story go to:


  1. The cancer cartel has no interest in curing cancer because chemotherapy drugs are an enormously profitable product for the pharmaceutical industry. An important clue proving that there is no sincere interest in curing cancer is provided by the fact that only .5% (one half of one percent) of the dollars spent on cancer research is spent on research directed at stopping the spread of cancer (metastases). When a cancer fails to spread the patient can live many comfortable years in an uneventful manner.
    The cancer industry is so powerful that TV, newspapers, and medical journals subsidized by revenue from pharmaceutical adds deny that these cures ever existed. Articles are published disparaging the safety and effectiveness of these cures thus, frightening the public away from natural therapy that could make them well. – Impossible for lay people to realize who is telling the truth.

      • I agree, cancer is a money making thing while people does…the first thing doctors introduce is chemo, it destroys your entire being. Natural remedy do works.

    • This is so true.they stribe on the dependency of the people needing the tablets to just suppress the cancer while it spreads slowly getting you worse as time progress.its all about the money..not the healing..

    • Oncologist get 30% of the chemo cost.
      They don’t want to hear alternatives.
      I am a cancer survivor. My late wife did not survive it just a few months after my battle.
      I believe there is a cure, however, it would cripple the medical field financially.
      Very sad.

    • Yes I do believe that the normal lay person cannot believe one way or the other about big Parma s way of handling cancer and the outside alternatives who claimed they cure cancer. I tend to believe that big Parma is big enough to rid any proof that cancer can be cured by alternate methods. It is a multi billion dollar conglomerate who does not want to lose that continuous income.
      I believe there are alternative’s out there which not only help relieve cancer but cure it.. If cancer is cured big Parma would lose all that revenue.
      I have in my past have had mostl my loved ones and some good friends of mine died of cancer who went through chemo which prolong their life a little but they were not cured of cancer. And they suffered in the process
      It is like what is happening now with the coronavirus situation they have the drug malaria drug that has been proven to eradicate the virus but for some reason it’s not being used widespread in which I think should be with all the people dying, it would seem to me that this drug or any other drug available for the elimination of coronavirus should be used immediately. I understand it needs to be proven but I think there has been enough proof of it working by now. A vaccine is needed but won’t be around for a year or so which is too late for a lot of people who are dying now.. I think Trump if he really had his way would have those drugs out immediately widespread. But there are too many people out there who are against anything he wants or suggest because of their hatred for him. He even ran on getting alternative medicines out that works for any disease. I guess I am not a political person but a realistic person common Sense person and there’s not much common sense in the medical field at all. A lot of caution but for the wrong reasons

      • Thank you for your honest answer. My father was diagnosed with Covid today. He is 93 and in very very good health. I have talked to my sister (in charge) and asked her if she asked for the drug for malaria (hydroxychoroquine) with zinc. I am going to request it! I totally agree with you on Trump. The top down hate-mongering of Trump is most likely causing him to be stuck because any “perceived wrong move” on his part could up-end anything good that may come of his actions! This drug should be distributed in full force and if it is not as it appears Is due to a nefarious agenda I’m afraid. Please all pray for the sick and for swift Hydroxychloroquine administration! Trump is getting pushed back on this drug for no good reason. My father has nothing to lose and his life back to gain by trying this drug!

        • I agreed with you, they don’t want Trump to tell the people about the malaria drug. Why? because they are expecting to make ton of money out the Coronavirus crisis. They want to use tax payers funds in clinical trials and wait two years to present the vaccine or any other cure. In all that time people are dying, but they don’t care. Dr Fauci is a charlatan, they need to fire him.

      • Woooooooooooow,, I read your comments it touch my ❤️ and I know what you are saying is all true, about the chemo and anything that’s had Todo to kill the cancer what doctor give kill every good part and bad part from the body, and person will die, cause doctor doesn’t care of no one but them self, o was reading molasses and Red Hill baking soda, will help with the cancer, I didn’t try it but am gona try to see if it helps with cancer, I have cancer Bladder, I hope for the best I have stage 2, let’s see Ms. Lemus

  2. The benefit of blackstrap is that it contains metal. To argue that it does not get to be employed against the tuma would make a nonsense of the notion of eating certain foods for their benefit. The matter is not concentrate on the strength by size of the tuma but on the sense of the elevation of the surrounding cells. The cancer is crushing the body’ system. Baking soda is not only alkaline but it cleans – additionally it carries oxygen. It speeds access to the infected area. The cancer converts cells using sugar. It is big because of the conversion. It is not so easy to convert a cell that is bolstered by the iron, in an environment of increased oxygen – tagged to a cleaner that carries the mess away as rapidly as required.

    • So u sound extremely intelligent!
      Well read. Are u saying the molasses soda combo is beneficial? I have breast tumor. Can u help?

  3. How do I determine if I am free of cancer at the 12th day of this protocol? I have stage 4 nsclc. Being treated with chemo and Keytruda. Latest PET indicates disease is “stable” I,e, not getting better or worse. I want to try the baking soda molasses, but I’m not sure what I need to do after day 11.

    • Hi Bob, did you try the remedy and if so did it help ? I was recently diagnosed with throat cancer and need all the help I can get. Best wishes to you.

  4. Exactly!!!! The medical field has no plans on curing any sickness and that includes cancer. My son has a fatal blood disease called sickle cell and millions are dying from this disease daily but you know what the doctors give sickle cell patients?? Hydroxyurea- yes a cancer medication and they are still suffering and dying and what did i start giving my son at the age of 1yrs old after he spent 1 year off and on in the hospital with pain crisis and multiple blood transfusions?? Yes! Gods medicine cabinet – plant medicine to help the body naturally make red blood cells… and changed our diet to more plant based foods and cut out white sugar, white pasta and all the process foods and today my son has NOT had a crisis in 9 years and I can promise you it was from using herbs, vitamins and minerals…

  5. I have tried this. The rebuttal sounds like hocus pocus nonsense.

    It doesn’t matter how it works, it matters if it works or not. The rebuttal offers no proof the treatment doesn’t in some way work. But let’s back up, and look at things more objectively. You have inputs of bicarbonate and molases. With the genuine maple syrup version there is requirement to heat and mix at precise temperature to get the mixture to bind. It is indicated that the original guy skipped this when he used molases. Let’s stick with molases. It has a range of minerals, and maybe a lot of potassium. So bicarbonate, sodium, glucose, minerals, and potassium, and whatever other combination of chemical compounds are generated in the body with it (oxygen was one mentioned). Now, the question is, what combination of things are causing the effect? Just to throw up a combination, could it even be glucose and sodium causing it? As you can see whatever is causing an effect doesn’t have to be the expected one. So, say with this combination, would glucose co-transport sodium into cells, would they even comingle in some form to the cell?

    Let’s step back again. I am making another cancer treatment for myself. Lipsomal vitamin C, which is said to be effective in contrast to IV vitamin C and a lot cheaper. It encapsulates vitamin C inside of little lipids of lecithin oil. The oil binds to.the cell wall, forcing the vitamin C payload to be absorbed at very high frequency. It is said to pass into the blood stream at very high rates too. I wonder though, how much a mix of unencapsulated vitamin C and lecithin sticking to the cells might also be absorbed? We see there are different ways to do something. So, say if the alkalizing factor, or some other ingredient, even my hypothetical sodium example, and the glucose, have a natural affinity for each other in the blood stream, cell, or attracted to a co-location, they would not even need to survive the stomach intact. If you look up the dirt cheap protocol at the website cancertutor you will find links to many things there, including this bi-carb soda and lipsomal vitamin C protocols, which are two of the main ones.

    Now, another common misunderstanding on simple science. The body maintains a level of alkalinity (and sodium) in the blood, which maybe used as an objection to the claimed mechanism of this treatment. But the treatment is aimed at raising the pH inside the cell more so than outside. This why trying to use glucose to transport bicarb/soda into the cells.

    So, our knowledge of the science is not necessarily clear, and it is quackery to claim something doesn’t work before you exhaust proof that it doesn’t work despite what apperently errant theory maybe put forward as to why it actually works. A theory or hypothesis doesn’t make something work, it is only a description of something, hopefully, real. The description maybe wrong and mistaken itself.

    Taking this stuff does cause urine pH to drop a lot, so obviously the carbonate is surviving the stomach.

    As indicated elsewhere here, the industry earns a lot more on treating long-term/perpetually sick people. You would be better off investigating why many senior FDA official’s feinds and families were being refered to a clinic in Europe for cancer treatment years back, after they had discredited the methods of that clinic. It’s only Logical.

    Just remember this terminology in hiding the truth, lies, d lies, and statistics. A mass of irrelevant results can hide relevant ones. The strength of the effects on ones cured (sub population) under proper regime, is more important.

    • Excellent take on the debunker. You raised relevant points. Thank you. Very intelligent Approach to theory versus actual results!

  6. The biochemistry of cancer has been explained by Dr. Otto Warburg, who discovered what causes cancer. He was a brilliant researcher (biochemist) that won at least one Nobel prize for his discoveries. Look him up.

    Also, how can anyone criticize any alternative cancer treatments….when chemotherapy and radiation are not cure all’s. And the side effects from these therapies are so detrimental that if cancer sufferers pull through the cancer, they can perish because the therapies have hammered them.

  7. When all the odds are against you and you know the end is close there can be no harm in alternative therapies.

  8. I’ve been drinking blackstap and baking soda for years after waking up in the morning. It triggers peristalsis where food waste were moved down body’s drain. Rushing to the toilet several times before leaving for work. I don’t have any health issues as far as I know, just happy flushing the toxins and waste and feeling lighter

  9. Dear mister Johnston,

    I am Sven Tolen from Holland, and i have followed the cancer cure, that you explaine on the internet.
    Because i have heard your story about your cancer prostate problem, and i have a similar problem, i am following the same cure, that was good for you, and after 2 months mij psa value from 128 is reduced to 1,1.
    I am very grateful to you, and i thank you for this.

    With regards, Sven Tolen. email. [email protected] (Holland)

  10. A good friend of mine had breast cancer. When I told her about the baking soda and maple syrup, or molasses mixed with water drink, she didnt hesitate to try it out for herself.

    She had nothing to lose by trying this drink mixture but everything possibly to gain from it.

    We both are glad that she did because two wks later the doctors found NO BREAST CANCER and no cancers any where else in her body!

    • Special Princess 3742.
      amen to T. Baker god is good. my daughter is going through vaginal cancer. she did chemotherapy, cyber knife and radiation after 4 months the dr did a pet scan and we were told that the cancer spread to 3 differents spot. we are doing the baking soda and the molasses remedies, we are gong for a biopsy to check. I am praying when the dr goes in for the cancer they saw there will be all gone.

      thanks everyone for all the good words and what to do to cure ourselves.

  11. I have metastatic breast cancer hormone driven , I am going to try this , the cancer is in spine and rib , il try everything to cure this

  12. I view with extreme suspicion trolls who decry alternate “cures” for anything, especially when there is an organization that is reaping mega dollars out of cures that they acknowledge themselves do not work. And I ask one simple question; –
    What possible motive can Sven Tolen have for his post except to pass on empirical evidence of HOPE


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