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Craft and delights at Cayman Brac Agriculture Show

Ms Coleen Gibson demonstrations her thatching talent.

Cayman Brac Agriculture Show takes place this Saturday at the Agriculture Grounds off Songbird Road on the Bluff.

The show starts with a traditional Caymanian breakfast at 8am. The opening ceremony will be between 10 and 11am. In addition to the livestock and crop displays and arts and crafts, there will be a host of musical talents such as:  C Level Band, Layman Scott High School Steel Band, Barefoot Man and the Cayman Cowboy Andy Martin, Dexter Bodden,  Tammy Banks-DaCosta Others (Gospel Music). Entertainment runs continuously throughout the day, with dancing from the Koalition group.

There will also be various demonstrations by HM Customs K-9 Unit, Fire Department, Health Services and the Police Department.

One of the stalwarts of the Cayman Brac Agriculture show is Ms Coleen Gibson whose crafty ambitions keeps pulling in a crowd and titles at the Cayman Brac Agriculture Show.

Coleen Gibson keeps a dying art and a part of the Caymanian heritage alive by producing works of art using thatch and Caymanite and passing on her skills to generations of her family. Ms Gibson, 64, was the 2011 Top Exhibitor at both Agriculture Shows – Grand Cayman and Cayman Brac.

Margartio “Merch” Chantilope weighs one of his prize winning yams.

“I enjoy the competition. I work hard on my stuff and I am proud to win. I am proud of my island, Cayman Brac, and I like being a part of the shows,” Ms Gibson said.

She produces beautiful works of arts from thatch and Caymanite. She makes just about anything from thatch – hats, caps, sun visors, purses, brooms, bags and baskets of all types and hanging dolls. Ms Gibson has passed on her art to her four children — Lineaya Hendricks,  Tommy Whorms, Frauleen Brown and Kristin Nelson — and six out of nine grandchildren; three are still too young to thatch.

Hon. Julianna O’Connor-Connolly, Deputy Premier and Minister responsible for Agriculture noted that Ms Gibson is a hardworking, self-taught and talented Bracker.  “Her standard of work is exemplary and she is diligently keeping alive indigenous Caymanian craft.  Coming from the ‘Brown’s Family tree’ (like myself), we learnt how to plait from a very young age and I am delighted to see that she has chosen to make a livelihood from things Caymanian,” Ms O’Connor-Connolly said.

Extending best wishes to Ms Gibson for continued success at the Agriculture Show, the Deputy Premier said, “it is my wish that you share your talents with as many other people as you can.”

Admission to the Cayman Brac Agriculture show is $8 per person (ages 11 and up) $4 for children (ages 4010) Raffle tickets are $10 and includes admission – 1st prize is US$2,500. Gates open at 7am.


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