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The Editor Speaks: The bigger you are the bigger you stall

When some of the largest banks and insurance companies found themselves in great danger of going bankrupt recently the various governments bailed them out with monies they had raised from us – the small, the almost insignificant. We, who are not even a blot on the landscape. These companies, though, were so big they could not be allowed to fail so they were bailed. Worse, again with our monies, obscene bonuses were paid out to these institutions top employees who had caused the problems by their excessive greed. And there was nothing wrong in it. Morally, yes, but who cares about morals these days?

Christian teachings are not the ‘cool’ principles for the 21st century, why we have even forbidden it being taught in schools in our Christian countries. And we wonder why our youth don’t care? We wonder why teenage crime is on the rise? If wrong is right with workers wearing their dark suits, white shirts and colourful ties; driving their big cars; huge houses, swimming pools, staying at $900 a night hotels, maid service, playing golf in the afternoon and private jets, then our youth want to climb that ladder fast. You don’t have to actually work. Make a few telephone calls and lose a few million dollars for their clients who can afford it anyway. This is the life. Someone else, the huge majority of people who actually have to work for a living and don’t dodge their taxes, will pay for our luxurious lifestyle. Suckers!

Our own government has confirmed that Michael Ryan, developer of the Ritz Carlton Grand Cayman, owner of a number of companies that have been involved in the development and ownership of the five star hotel as well as the proposed new resort development, Dragon Bay, is currently facing legal action and owes us, yes us, at least $6million in duty.

Mr. Ryan has been unable to pay the duty owed since 2009 after having been given duty waivers of over $10million! Ryan’s two companies, Stingray and Condo Co (Ryan has many more) have not made one duty payment since the UDP came to power! Why?

Ryan must have money because he still uses his private jet, enjoys a lifestyle most of us can only dream of, and he has made an offer to our premier to purchase $10million of the crown land at Safe Haven where both the hotel is, and the proposed Dragon Bay resort development would be located. This, according to Mr. Bush would make it easier for Ryan to raise the necessary financing to start the resort project. Does this smack of wheeler-dealing and/or stalling by Mr. Ryan or am I just too suspicious and cynical in my old age? Ryan has $10million to purchase land and obtain a solid asset but cannot pay $6million he owes us and has owed for years! Does anyone actually believe this besides Mr. Bush because he has admitted that not everyone in government supported the plan and he had asked the opposition what its position was on the issue?

Of course, by borrowing money he doesn’t have, stalling on the money he actually owes, Ryan will start construction of his Dragon Bay development and this will boost the local economy, so he will make enough money to carry on with his lavish lifestyle and perhaps be able to pay the old duty.

But now a huge spanner has been dropped into the works. Lawsuits have been filed in the Grand Court by the owner of a loan used to develop the Ritz seeking an injunction against the developer and other defendants to prevent them from “interfering with” its efforts to take control of the hotel and facilities.

In a statement to the Miami based OffshoreAlert Ryan said he did not believe the action would impact the normal operations of the resort but he made no mention of his debt to the Cayman Islands government.

Both CNS and iNews Cayman have contacted Ryan for comment about the outstanding $6million and surprisingly (nah not surprisingly) we are both awaiting a response.

But Mr. Bush is optimistic because Mr. Ryan has offered to pay interest on his outstanding debt. Wow. You mean he hasn’t been penalised for not paying his duty on time? No ‘bovver boys’ have been sent in with their knee cap hammers? What happens to us if we default with a payment owed to a bank?

Can I ask what actual securities does our government have in place with Mr. Ryan? Are there any at all? Or is the debt so big he can continue to stall?


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