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Professional Image Course Launched

Ms. Catherine Tyson, MSW, Course Facilitator

The  Chamber of  Commerce’s Professional Development &  Training Centre (PD&TC) is  pleased to announce  the  introduction  of  a  NEW  “one-day”  training  course  entitled  Professional  Image,  in conjunction with facilitator, Ms. Catherine Tyson.   The first sitting of this course will take place on March 21, 2012 at the Chamber of Commerce offices at Governors Square, West Bay Road.  Whilst the Chamber has  actually offered a  thirty-minute mini-course on  this  topic  at  its  Careers, Education, Training & Jobs Expo over the past two years, there were many persons who had expressed interest in an  extended version of  this  training.    This  demand was  also  made evident in  the  results of  the Chamber’s  Training  Needs  Research  conducted  amongst  its  members  in  2011.       Against  this background, the Chamber is happy that this course has been developed into a full one-day workshop in order to provide more valuable information to the Cayman Islands community.

Course facilitator, Catherine Tyson, is thrilled to be integral to this initiative and has this to say “In a world where the word professional is often thrown around, it appears that many of us simply need to get back to the basics to actually understand the total essence of this word. Being professional goes beyond a nice suit and an expensive briefcase and covers your first contact to your daily behaviour on the job. This course attempts to do just that; get us back to the basics and deal with issues in the trenches that have simply been taken for granted or misunderstood.” Ms. Tyson is a trained Counselor by profession and holds a Master’s degree in Social Work with an undergraduate degree in Psychology. Her expertise is in the area of self development and grooming for the professional world on different levels aims to look at the individual as a whole and apply certain principals to their daily work.

In today’s working environment, one cannot ignore that professionalism begins with looking the part but continues with acting and behaving the part. Being dressed for success goes beyond face value but looks also at ethics, practices, time management, interpersonal communication and office politics. In the current business climate, especially for junior members within organisations, landing the right job and ensuring personal fit and further development is even more crucial to sustained success. This workshop introduces participants to various aspects of honing and maintaining that level of business prowess.

The Professional Image training course is geared towards:
•     Entry level or junior positions that need that extra professional polishing
•     Individuals seeking to re-enter the workplace
•     Junior employees seeking advancements in their respective areas of work.

The cost to participate in this one-day training course from 9:00 a.m. through 4:30 p.m. is as follows:
$150 (Members)
$225 (Future Members)

For more details and to book your space, please visit or contact [email protected]. Persons may register online.


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