Gadget of the week
Cut your flossing time in half with this $40 gadget that’s on sale
Deny it all you want, but you likely don’t floss your teeth as often as you should. It’s okay, you’re not alone.
A study by the American Dental Association found that 20% of its participants only floss their teeth when they have something stuck in ’em, and 8% of participants admitted to never doing the deed. It’s kind of weird, right? We’ve been told time and time again to regularly brush and floss our teeth ever since we can remember. And while we have no problem brushing our pearly whites twice a day, we can’t bear to floss ’em.
Of course, there are plenty of perks to flossing your teeth. Not only does it help combat gingivitis and gum disease, but it can also make you less tempted to snack after dinner.
If you’ve never liked the feeling of wielding a piece of string through your teeth, you might want to give Pure’s Aqua Flosser a try. This alternative uses water pressure to clean the space in between your teeth, and ultimately promote good gum health. Simply turn on the flosser and choose from three different modes: Normal, soft, and pulse. From there, the flosser will eject water to spruce up your teeth. It can even clean carefully around braces. Once you’re done, stick it back in its charging base so it can be powered up for your next use. Plus, the flosser comes with four, color-coded tips so the whole family can use them.
We know what you’re thinking: “A water flosser sounds great and all, but it doesn’t change how much I hate flossing.” Well, Pure claims its product cuts your time flossing in half — and is five times more effective than traditional flossing. Like it or not, you need to floss your teeth, and this product will make the whole experience quicker, more efficient, and slightly more enjoyable.
Usually, Pure’s Aqua Flosser is valued at $150, but for the next few days, you can buy it for $39.99. Plus, enter code BOO15, and you can save an additional 15% off.
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